Prompt Me (Arthur/Eames edition)!

Jun 03, 2011 20:58

Some of you may remember that a little while ago, I made a post asking for prompts (specifically, ones that could be used in the Harry Potter universe). This is...sort of the same thing, but for a different fandom.

Recently, I was talked into signing up as an author for a podfic collaboration event (not that this is hard. You're all aware how poorly I resist temptation, especially when it comes to signing up for fests. Still, I blame Lal). After chatting with the podficcer I'll be working with, we've decided I'll be writing an Inception fic, with Arthur/Eames as the pairing.

So, I am coming to you lovely people, asking for prompts! Please? *bats eyelashes* Really, prompt for any genre. Humor, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, flangst, whatever. Even some smut. The fic I'll be doing likely won't be a PWP (because recording those aren't easy for a lot of podficcers, and I really can't blame them. Some of what seems good on paper/screen sounds silly read aloud), but she and I are both fans of UST and the chase, so... :D

And when I say prompt, I mean either scenario, or just a word or short phrase (like "hotel key" or "hot chocolate" or "wrinkled tie" or whatever. You get the idea).

*snuggles anyone who prompts in advance*

request: prompts, fandom: inception, i am made of fail, prompt me, writing-related

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