fly-by pimping!

Jun 06, 2011 16:20

So, I've signed up for this:

Banner by ohfreckle 
It's low-pressure, no obligation to participate in every round. But I've been wanting to write these two more and more, so I couldn't resist. Between this and my pod_together  assignment, YAY! I'm on Team Angst (should be no surprise to most of you)!

Even if you've never seen the film, or don't like Arthur/Eames as a pairing, you should go to the sign-up post and read the comments. After asking us to pick a team (Angst or Romance), we're asked who will be most victorious. The (loving) trash-talking between teams is often hysterical.

Also, if you ARE inclined towards that pairing, voting's going on at the  ae_ldws (24 hour voting period!). Seven of us left, out of the original 16 that started! One of the drabbles this week is flat-out AMAZING, and the others are pretty damn good, too :)

And now back to writing this H/D fic! Now that's it's playing nicely!
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