Let's Play a Game (aka, prompt me, please!)

Apr 09, 2011 20:48

Hey guys! Basically, what's going on here is I have a few fics that I need to write, and either the original "prompter" has left it totally open and hasn't responded to my questions regarding preferred genres, cliches, kinks/squicks, etc., or I have fics that might not reach their required word length *cough*bigbang*cough* without an additional subplot or two. *woe!face*

So what I'm asking is for you to prompt me! These don't have to be complex prompts (in fact, for this particular purpose, I'd kind of prefer they weren't)--I'm simply looking for general scenarios or (even better) a few random words or phrases that might morph into a plot bunny (often what you'd see in the "objects" or "scenarios" or "actions" bit of a fest prompt).

Please understand that since some of these things are for anon fests, so if I take your idea, you might not get thanked in the author's notes in the fest (though when the fic goes up on my OWN lj, I will be thanking you then!). Also, understand that there's a chance I might not use something you prompted here. It doesn't mean I didn't like it! It just means I didn't use it for something I'm writing on a deadline that's fast-approaching (there are a fair number of those, though....eep). Also, nothing says I won't come back to this post months later and use something someone left. Sometimes the bunnies have to be left alone to hop around quietly for a while before they come up and bite me :D

I'm mostly looking for prompts in the Harry Potter fandom, with a Harry/Draco pairing. BUT, I wouldn't object if you wanted to leave something here for one of my other fandoms/ships ( post is now up with those).

Thanks again guys!

(Oh, and a note about kinks/squicks/genres and cliches I do/don't write: Feel free to prompt whatever, even if you're unsure it's something I'm likely to write. I'll give most anything a shot (yes, there are a few exceptions), and just because I might not write EXACTLY what you've prompted doesn't mean it won't spark a bunny and get tweaked so it can be used in some other way!)
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