List of my fandoms and ships

Apr 09, 2020 21:34

(General Note: This list is by no means complete. I can guarantee you I ship more pairings in these fandoms than are listed here, and I am open to fandoms that aren't on this list and I would welcome fic recs (and, if prompted, might even write) for them, even if I am not actively involved in that fandom)

(General Note #2: List of fandoms now in alphabetical order, though my main ones are noted with asterisks)

** Avengers (film, plus related Marvel universes): Tony Stark/Steve Rogers (OTP), Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff/Bruce Banner, Thor/Loki, Clint Barton/Agent Coulson, Agent Coulson/Cellist, Natasha Romanoff/Pepper Potts, and ALL THE TEAM, FRIENDSHIP, AND GEN FIC.

The Dark Tower (book series; author: Stephen King): Eddie/Susannah, Roland/Susan, Roland/OFC. Open to other pairings. Serious love for genfic and fic that explores other, non-sexual, relationships. [not familiar with any of the graphic novel series]

** Demon's Lexicon (book trilogy/series; author: Sarah Rees Brennan): Mae/Sin, Nick/Mae, Nick/Jamie, Nick/Liannan, Nick/essentially-anything-that-moves, Alan/Mae, Alan/Liannan, Sin/Liannan, Alan/Sin, Jamie/Gerald, Jamie/Seb, Olivia/Arthur, Olivia/Daniel... Oh hell, consider me an omnishipper in this fandom. Only one I absolutely put my foot down on is Jamie/Mae (and probably anyone with their biological parent).

Dexter (television (primarily); also book series): Dexter/Rita, Deb/nearly-any-male, Dexter!gen, Deb!gen. [only familiar with happenings through season 4 at present; Have only read the books through Dexter in the Dark]

Firefly (and Serenity) (television + film): Mal/Inara, Mal/Zoe (pre-Wash/Zoe), Zoe/Wash, Mal/Jayne, Jayne/River, Jayne/nearly-any-female, Kaylee/Simon, Kaylee/Inara, Mal/Simon, Simon/OMC, Inara/OMC, Inara/OFC.

* Gattaca (film): Vincent Freeman/Jerome Eugene Morrow (my OTP), Vincent/Irene, Jerome-Eugene/Irene. Gen fic (hell, any fic) is also love.

*** Harry Potter (book series (primarily); author: JK Rowling--and I suppose films): Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius, Draco/Neville, Lucius/Severus (...but not the schmoop here, sorry), Lucius/Narcissa, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Pansy, Draco/Astoria, Neville/Luna, Remus/Tonks, a wee bit of Harry/Ginny (but I'm VERY picky on that), tiny bit of Harry/Luna, James Potter/Lily Evans, one-sided Severus/Lily. Open to many other pairings as well, plus LOTS of gen!fic. (Not much on the next-gen, though, or cross-gen, sorry).

* The Hobbit (film trilogy, mostly; also the book, plus the Lord of The Rings Trilogy (films and books)): Fili/Kili, Thorin/Bilbo, a bit of Fili/Kili/Bilbo and Fili/Kili/Thorin (okay, so apparently Durincest is a thing for me, yep), Aragorn/Legolas; open to others.

* Hunger Games (book series/trilogy): Katniss/Peeta, Katniss/Gale, Annie/Finnick, Finnick/OFC (pre-Mockingjay), Finnick/OMC (pre-Mockingjay), Cinna!gen, Katniss!gen, Peeta!gen. Open to others.

** Inception (film): Mainly Arthur/Eames and Arthur/Ariadne, but I'm open to Ariadne/shade!Mal, Cobb/Mal, Arthur/Eames/Ariadne, plus a whole host of others. (ETA: I seem to be writing Saito/Fischer for a friend of mine. So I suppose we can toss that one up there as well). Massive love for gen/friendship fic here, too.

*** Les Miserables (recent film, musical, and novel): Enjolras/Graintaire (OTP, whether requited or not), plus Jehan/Courfeyrac, Marius/Eponine, Marius/Eponine/Cosette, Marius/Cosette, Courfeyrac/Marius, Joly/Musichetta/Bossuet. Also love for Combeferre, in or out of a pairing. Actually, hell, love for pretty much all the Barricade Boys/Les Amis de l'ABC, in most permutations, and I adore ensemble fic with this group. Hands down, Grantaire is my favorite character, with Enjolras a close second.

Lost (television): Sawyer/Kate, Sawyer/Juliet, Jack/Kate, Charlie/Claire, Hurley/Libby, Jack/Juliet, Sun/Jin, Desmond/Penny. Open to other pairings, and I love gen/friendship fic.

Mad Men (television): Don/Betty, Don/nearly-anything-in-a-skirt, Peggy/Pete, Peggy!gen, Don!gen, Roger/Joan, Don/Joan, Joan!gen, Peggy/Abe, Don/Megan, Sal/some-other-guy. Open to other pairings. [only familiar with happenings through season 4 at present]

** Skyfall (film): Bond/Q

** Star Trek (film Reboot, mostly): Kirk/Spock (OTP), Sulu/Chekov, a bit of Spock/Uhura, and selective Kirk/McCoy. Really, fics with snark are good, with any combo of these six, plus Scotty.

*** Suits (television): Harvey/Mike is my definite OTP, but I am open to many pairings (Harvey/Donna, Donna/Stephen, Louis/Nigel, Mike/Rachel, and Donna/Rachel, plus some others), and gen/firm stuff is SO much love, seriously.

*** Teen Wolf (television): Stiles/Derek (OTP). Stiles is hands down my favorite character. Other pairings include Scott/Allison, Stiles/Lydia, Stiles/Danny, Stiles/Scott, Lydia/Aiden, Lydia/Jackson, Danny/Ethan, Lydia/Aliison, Isaac/Allison, Erica/Boyd, Erica/Isaac, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski, Danny/Jackson, and Scott/Isaac (and I'm open to others). I also enjoy Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Peter Hale, and Laura Hale as characters (Talia, Cora, Finstock, Deaton, Miss Morell, Deucalion, and others are good, too). Ridiculous amount of love for gen-fic and pack-fic in this fandom, too.

True Blood (television): Sookie/Bill, Tara/Sam, Sookie/Sam, Jessica/Hoyt, Eric/Godric, Eric/Bill, Eric/Sookie, Eric/Pam, Pam/Jessica... Oh, hell, Eric can have sexual tension with just about anyone. Open to other pairings. [only familiar with happenings through season 4 at present]

*** Welcome to Night Vale (podfic): Cecil/Carlos, plus gen!fic (as well as Cecil/Carlos, plus ensemble--including Desert Bluffs inhabitants).

* X-Men First Class (film): Charles/Erik, Raven(Mystique)/Hank McCoy; open to others.

[updated 01 Sept 2013]

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