Permissions for Podfics, Art, Translations, etc.

May 28, 2020 10:50

Permissions for Podfics, Art, Translations, etc.:

In general, I would be thrilled if anyone enjoyed a fic enough to want to open it up to a new medium. But so things are crystal clear and there's no confusion, here are my permissions!

Please consider this blanket permission to podfic any of my fics, with only a few minor stipulations: 
1) Please let me know you're doing this (preferably first). In the (unlikely) event that more than one person wants to podfic the same story, I can let the second person know, in case they would rather not cover what someone else is doing, especially so close together in time.
2) Please link me to the file when it is posted. I would love to be able to link back to it from my fic, as well as share with people on my flist. Also, I request that you link to the original fic when you post the podfic. Please give credit.
3) There may be a very few individual fics that I ask not be podfic'd (such as in cases of a podfic collaboration, like  pod_together's challenge). These restrictions WILL be marked clearly in the author's notes to the fic.

If you want to do art of any of my fics, please consider this blanket permission to do so! I would be thrilled to see art! The only thing I ask is that you link me to your art when you post (so that I may link back to you), you link back to the original fic in that post, and give appropriate credit.

For this, I ask that you consult me first. I will likely ask where you will be posting the translation and in which language. If I do grant permission (which is probable), I ask that you link back to the original, credit appropriately, and send me a working link to your translation, so I may link back to you as well.

I know there has been a bit of drama over linking via twitter and facebook. As far as I am concerned, you are free to link TO MY FIC. Livejournal links are love, twitter is great, other sites are fine, and even facebook can be okay. That said, please do not link to anything of mine that is not specifically fic without prior permission, and you absolutely may not connect my fandom presence with my Real Life presence (you may connect this journal and the twitter account with the same user name). Recs are one thing; "outing" is quite another.

This is an Absolutely Not sort of thing. Please do not repost anything of mine. If I want it somewhere, I will put it there. If you think it should be somewhere else (an archive, a community, whatever), please simply message me and suggest such.

admin, sticky post

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