Master Post of Important Entries

Jun 28, 2035 10:52

Because I noticed there were a fair number of these starting to build up, I am going to minimise the clutter and post all important and relevant links here:

My List of Fandoms and Ships  -- (always changing/expanding, not all-inclusive)

My LJ Master List of Fan Fiction (all fandoms, all pairings, condensed via LJ Cuts. Date it was last updated will always be at the end of the post)

My AO3 List of Fics (easily sortable within the site in regards to fandom and/or pairings, characters, and any other tags used. Because of sporadic DDoS attacks and the LJ entry character limits that cut fics off around 9-k per post--as well as my tendency to fail at short fics--many of my newer (since summer 2011) fics, especially those written for fests, get posted there first. As of Dec 2011, there are still several newer fics there that are not on my LJ Master List. It's easier to update there, all things considered, so though all of my fics will eventually be posted here on LJ, my AO3 page will likely be fully updated before my list here is, though probably done in large spurts instead of steadily.)

My List of Permissions for Podfic, Art, Translations, etc.

Dear Yuletide Author letter, 2011 edition (fandoms include Gattaca (1997 film), The Demon's Lexicon series, by Sarah Rees Brennan (sarahtales), and The Dark Tower series, by Stephen King.)

A Bunch of Things I Like, and a Few I Don't (dysonrules ' fandom-wide gift post; handy reference for exchange fests, brief lists of kinks/squicks, and even a few notes on RL things I like that don't have to do with fic. Posted back in July 2010, but I might update it at some point, as there are some things that are no longer actually valid!)

Prompt Me: Harry Potter edition (a place to leave simple phrases/objects/scenarios as prompts; always open and taking suggestions; mostly H/D, but other pairings or gen ideas welcome)

Prompt Me: Inception edition (a place to leave simple phrases/objects/scenarios as prompts; always open and taking suggestions; mostly A/E, but prompts accepted for any scenario/pairing)

master list, admin, organisational stuff, master post, sticky post

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