And now, with just this brief recap, it is time to say "good night".
It was a busy day, starting out with "the great toilet adventure" at 7am, a quick and cheap breakfast out, some family time, and then it was off to Festival du Voyageur for me while Amanda worked on getting better.
Festival was great fun, I took close to 300 pictures but unfortunately just do not have the gumption to go through them tonight. Sorry, folks! All in the effort of quality control and such.
As some of you may recall, it was at this same event last year when I took my tumble and then belly-ached about my theoretically bruised/cracked ribs for months. Well, I wasn't one to disappoint.
I'm big on tradition, so yes, I fell again.
In almost the exact same spot while doing almost the exact same thing. All the mascots were walking back to their change area, I turned to take a picture and just happened to be on sheer ice... and well,
the rest is history. But I'm always good for change, too. This time I landed on my other side, and not on my camera bag. But so far so good... I may be a little bruised but I have no sense of hurt like I did last time. Maybe I'm more limber than last time. Maybe just more lucky.
Yup... just like a cat. Drop me and I'll land.
All I know now is that after a couple episodes of the IT Crowd, I'm calling labelling this day both successful and fun!