The Twiddle Legacy: Generation 1.2

Jan 07, 2010 22:33

WARNING: Not much happens in this legacy (Then again, nothing ever does). About 80% is just aging spam. Still, if you want to read it, you want to read it. Can't blame you. Battenberg's a cutie.

Previously on the Twiddle Legacy…

Lauren gave birth to a boy
Emilien loves cleaning and babies send him into despair.
Lauren gave birth… again…
And it was twins by the way.
The kids of this generation are named after types of cake.

Now onto the more recent stuff!

And we start with some weirdo stealing the Twiddle’s newspaper.

Battenberg has developed an early-morning routine. At around 6am he’ll wake up.

And walk outside in his Cookie Monster pyjamas.

And then have an early-morning swim.

Sometimes maybe dig a hole.

Then if he has the time, jump on the bed in his wet, sandy swimming shorts.

Or maybe do a bit of drawing…

He stayed in those shorts all day.

Speaking of which, remember that little girl Lauren invited over in the last update? Thought it would be nice to invite her over, actually play with someone her own age.

“I could probably fit the entire planet in the palm of my hand”

“That’s AMAZING!”

“There’s an alien just up there btw. He wished me a good morning.”

Possibly-inappropriate picture time!

Batty thinks of babies when he watches his father in the nude.

Then afterwards, Emilien placed Cupcake on the floor and proceeded to give her a lecture.
“Remember, babies don’t leave their toys”

Guess what? It’s birthday time!

Gateaux first.

Now for Cupcake.


Followed by some projectile vomiting.

Is it from too much cake or is it what we all expect it to be?

Yes Emilien. That’s right.

As if looking after twin toddlers wasn’t enough work.

Such as Cupcake waking up her sister through her screaming fits.

Before bashing her head against the crib.

Right now it’s so bad that neither Emilien or Lauren have had a decent nights sleep, they just live on coffee. The house is a state because of it.

Roll on birthday time.

And then we have preggo-lady

Batty’s first day of school, I’m so proud. :’D

Bump and toddler spam

But here’s a little information for you. Does this just happen to me or you run out of food at the worst possible times? There’s a hungry pregnant woman ready to pass out and two impatient toddlers to feed. It’s a blimmin’ nightmare looking after these sims, seriously.

Don’t really understand why the delivery lady had to go all the way round and use the back door.

Then again, it’s probably because the front door is glitched.


Then the lady from Battenberg’s birthday party invites herself in. *Cough*Stalker.

And then Lauren, being the lovely mother she is, steals her own son’s bed.
Still, can’t blame her. Those twins must be driving her nuts.

He’s back!

Thank goodness because we need someone to phone a repairman about the blocked toilet.
He pulls that face quite a lot.

Every time Emilien returns from work Battenberg rushes out for a hug. It’s adorable.

Before Emilien steals his bed. Then after 5 seconds of sleep he got back up again…

Just so he could do this:

Before going back to sleep.
It’s hitting Battenberg pretty hard.

Check out that red plumbob. I think that backs up my “Twins are a nightmare” statement.

And we get yet another person inviting themselves in. What is with this family and uninvited guests?

Sweet revenge. >:D

More popping.

3 Pop ups in a row. Must be spam.

Well, that’s certainly a “Booyeah!” look.

“Look mummy, I’m a genius!”
*More interested in staring at the wall*

She prefers to leave the celebrations until he’s busy doing… ahem… more important things.

If it’s anything like the town I live in, nursery rhymes are old-fashioned. Everyone teaches their kids boyband pop-songs now.

“Everyboday in love! Go put your hands up! Everyboday in love! Go put your hands up!” 

Well, at least she’s doing as the song says.

“I need a tiddle!”
The toilet’s right next to you, it’s not that difficult.

I said the toilet was right next to you
“Let’s just pretend my waters broke to save me the embarrassment, alright?”

As soon as the entered the kitchen…

Well, that was convenient.


Obviously not… it’s a girl!

Keeping with the cakes/dessert theme, this child shall be named… Soufflé!

Soufflé’s room. I figured it would be much cheaper to keep the potties and changing table with the twins so this is a bit empty.

It’s finally time for the twins to grow up!


She’s pretty. >w<

Alright, Gateaux now. Don’t ask why Emilien is dancing about in the background wearing a leotard.

She turned out really cute too. I wasn’t too keen on her toddler appearance, but now she’s a child, she actually looks really adorable.

The twins have pretty much the exact same routine as Battenberg had.
They get up early, run onto the beach in their jim-jams and go swimming.

At least they’re not being couch potatoes.


Run Batty, run!

The twin’s first day at school. :’D

It’s such a relief now the twins are old enough to (Partially) look after themselves. I mean, for the first time ever, Lauren and Emilien have some time to themselves.
Lauren even has the time to read! It’s a miracle!

I honestly don’t understand why being attacked by a crab doesn’t count as finding beach treasure. I mean, you did find something, right? And crab is actually a delicacy; some people will pay good money for a nice bit of crab on their plate.

Do you know one of the best ways to check if the baby is still hungry?

Shove its head under your armpit. (Disclaimer: It doesn’t work. If anything, the social services will be very unhappy. Put that arm down.)

No, Cupcake didn’t get plastic surgery at school She just brought a friend home.

In fact, all three of them did. It’s just that they ignored them and went to watch TV.

Then when Emilien got home…

I swear, Cupcake is basically Battenberg if he was female.

I got the popup saying Soufflé was due to age up soon. Since there was already a ton of kids there, might as well throw a not-quite party. I have no clue where the wavy-haired kid went.

“So… what do we do?”

“Oh! I see! YAAAAAAAAY!”

And this is how she turned out. She’s so cute. :’D

And then the next day… (After a steamy love scene from the adults)

It’s finally Battenberg’s time to age!

He’s a bit hesitant though. Wants to spend a bit of time first admiring the cake.

This is the first legacy birthday where the person aging doesn’t need help blowing out the candles. :’D

And so the child explodes…

And… HOT DAMN did he age well!
That’s one good-looking teenager.

He’s going to need those good looks, because I rolled the Romance aspiration!

Our little Batty is going to be a man-slut. :’D *Sniff*


1.0 1.1

sims 2, twiddle legacy

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