The Twiddle Legacy (Generation 1.1)

Dec 27, 2009 21:01

Finally, an update!

Warnings: Picture-heavy, boring, too many anime references to count…

So where we last left you, Lauren had just popped.

Also, I know it’s hard to tell in this picture, but the bath broke.

It was driving the two of them insane, so I brought in a repair-lady.

Only, I don’t think simply whacking the thing with a spanner will do much. In fact, I always thought that would cause more damage.

Also, at dinner…

“Oh my god, she’s dead!”

“Huh? Who?”

Emilien didn’t actually seem that bothered afterwards.

So, Lauren went to the tent. Where she was rudely awakened by…

…More popping. :D

She’s huge now.

No, she hasn’t passed out.

She’s just exercising.

He’s reading about babies. :D

You’ve never even seen a baby. :|

He also loves to clean.


“VOILA! A computer, everybody!”

I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but Emilien really loves his aliens.





“She’s having the baby now? It was just getting to the best part!”

“Oh wait, she’s giving birth…” (Like you didn’t already realise that)

“Whoopee!” *Happy dance*

It’s a boy!

I decided this generation’s theme would be types of cake/dessert. So this kid right here, I name him Battenberg. That’s right, Battenberg. After that delicious cake.
Speaking of which, I haven’t had Battenberg in ages. Maybe I should buy myself a slice or two at lunch tomorrow?

With that look Emilien is giving his son, I really don’t know if I should be worried or not.

Really worried…

Still, I suppose he’s a good dad to little Battenberg.

‘I really need the loo’

I forgot to show you the nursery, didn’t I?


But anyway, Emilien had to work, so Lauren put Battenberg in his cot and slept in the tent. Only…


Lauren’s not impressed, she only just managed to doze off.

“If you go to sleep then I can go to sleep, you can dream about clean nappies all you want, I can dream about soap opera stars all I want, there’s no arguments, we’re all happy, okay?”

Well, it’s not everyone who meets someone, gets married, has a kid and gets promoted 3 times in the space of a week.


Well, now we know that babies make Emilien go all Zetsubou-Sensei on us.

Lauren on the other hand…

“Check out those abs! Your old mum is probably more muscular than you are! Softer skin too…”

Birthday time!

No, not Emilien’s.

Thank god there’s no social workers around.
“Oh noes, I dropped him!”

Holy crap he looks like his father. O_O

I think I may need to give him a makeover. If I leave them I might think Emilien has got Benjamin Button syndrome.

A change of clothes too. I don’t like that one-piece very much.

Battenberg’s already keen on art. (He’s so cute)

And the next morning…

Sorry Emilien.

Still, someone needs to teach Batternberg the facts of life while Emilien’s working.

And within no time at all, it’s birthday time again!

Lauren has already lost a few of her friends so it’s probably a good idea to invite them round for celebrations:

Well. If that was the case we might as well have celebrated by ourselves. :|

Still, there was one friend who stayed enough for Batternberg to be an attention seeker.

“Free hugs! I’m giving away free hugs!”

“Eew, no!”

Birthday time!

I don’t have a clue what she’s doing either.

Lauren, stop hogging the candles.

“Grow son! Grow like a mutant beanstalk!”

“Daddy I’m a man, I’m a man!”

A change of clothes and a makeover later…

“Why? Why did you have to make him look like a character from Kuroshitsuji?”


And while visitor-lady, Ciel Phantomhive Battenberg and Emilien talked about ladybirds…

Lauren went into labour in the bathroom.

Don’t know where Emilien has wandered off to.

Oh wait, there he is.

It’s a girl!

“Here, hold this for a minute…”

It’s another girl!

“What the hell is that?”

“I did not ask for those things as a present. Way to ruin my birthday…”

“Must… act… pleased…”

Housing update!
No, still no proper bed for Emilien and Lauren yet, just Battenberg

But still, welcome Cupcake and Gateaux Twiddle!

How on earth are we going to cope with two screaming babies with dirty nappies when only one parent is actually awake enough to change them?

To be continued…

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sims 2, twiddle legacy

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