The Twiddle Legacy (Generation 1.0)

Dec 13, 2009 13:41

I know what you’re thinking; ‘Didn’t you just start an entirely different legacy, Kezwick?’
Well, with Bon Voyage and FreeTime, I wanted to start from scratch again anyway, plus the neighbourhood got corrupted… again. Not exactly the best luck I have with TS2, I haven’t even gotten out of Generation 1 of any legacies!

Still, third time lucky I suppose.

WARNINGS: Dullness, tent-sex, Crumplebottom attacks!

But who wants to meet my founder? :D

Meet Emilien Twiddle everybody. (NOT Eminem, like most of you probably misread it as)

His stats go like this:

Zodiac: Virgo

Neat: 9
Shy: 2
Active: 6
Serious: 3
Nice: 5

Aspiration: Family (Like how I always start my legacies with)
Secondary Aspiration: Grilled Cheese (Was supposed to be knowledge, but I hit the wrong button)

Lifetime Want: Graduate 3 children from college

Turn-Ons: Creative, Make-up
Turn-Off: Robot

Alright, now let’s continue!

This is his lovely home:

Well, it’s nicer than previous legacies. But that’s probably because it’s on a beach. Beaches always look nice.

I mean seriously, look at that view! Beautiful!

You know what I like about FreeTime?

Free computer!
Well that sure makes life easier!

Why do I get the feeling this may not be allowed? Still, didn’t read about it in the rules so we’ll use it anyway.
Emilien just got a job from it after all (Busker).

As soon as he got hired, he had visitors. No-one of particular interest to me so…


Remember Chaise from my old legacy? Yeah, I managed to save him, but not his relatives.

So he got together with Albert, another sim I was going to use for a challenge, and now they’re engaged.

But anyway, Emilien still needs to get himself a ladyfriend. Off to the spa!

Where we immediately come across this lady. What do you think Emilien?


And let the shameless flirting begin!

“Would you kiss this pretty face?”

“I prefer men in hats to be honest”

“I can wear a hat, I can wear a hat!”

“What do you think about sandwiches?”

“Oh I love sandwiches!”


More shameless flirting… well, if Emilien wants at least 3 kids, he’d better get moving. Plus he’s got 3-bolt chemistry with this girl, most of the time I’ll get 2 at the most.

And into the hot tub!

Uh-oh, look behind them…


“Oh noes, it’s Crumplebottom!”

It’s like she should be a horror film character.

It fails, I know.

“You put away those melons of yours too!”
[Cue cheesy B-movie horror scream]

“You know, some really do blossom with age. I’d love to give those pruned lips a little peck. Pucker up”

“Oh I love it when you flirt with old-aged pensioners!”



Back to the tent!

Still, despite the Crumplebottom’s rude interruptions, Emilien did still get 3-bolt chemistry with that woman (whose name happens to be Lauren, btw), so after he goes to work…

It’s time for a date!

This gave me a chance to try out this new community lot I downloaded. But when the sims got there…

Under construction. D;

Still, while they wait for another cab, it gives the lovely couple a chance to bond…

…Through tickling! :D

And then they went Downtown.

Where Emilien has been stood up?! What?!

Oh wait no, there she is.

“Can I take that lamp home with me?”

After dinner…

Lauren fails at making a hand-heart.

And then…

Dearie me… why hasn’t Crumplebottom picked up on this yet?

She’s too busy getting drunk. Fair enough then.

So wait… you say you’re in a bad mood because Emilien doesn’t care about you… but then you say you had a fantastic time?! Make your mind up woman!

Still, I guess that’s the end of the date then.

And straight after coming home, there’s nothing like a late-night paddle in the sea. Apparently.

He must be freezing.

And it’s always nice to phone your new girlfriend just before work, right?

It is morning. It’s almost 7am!

But still, guess it’s time to get off to work then?

Hurray! Let’s phone Lauren to tell her the good news!


Let’s call her anyway!

I have no idea who that is stalking her.

“Go away, I’m trying to get lucky!”

“You’re more interested in spatulas than me, aren’t you?”

She really is difficult, isn’t she?

“So… want to look inside my tent?”

“I’ll call you when I get there”


“Alright, now we’ve got that over and done with…”

:D ?

And so, they married by the sea…

And Lauren brought in enough money to build and actual house. That looks exactly the same as my other legacy houses but oh well.

Well, to be fair, there’s no bedroom, they still have to use the tent. But I quite like the tent so I don’t mind.

A change of clothes and a haircut later…

Lauren Twiddle

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Neat: 5
Shy: 3
Active: 7
Serious: 3
Nice: 7

Aspiration: Knowledge

Lifetime Want: Become Criminal Mastermind

As soon as the house was sorted, we get more stalkers.

You could at least knock first.


Why not celebrate with a bit of nookie?

Alright, in truth I want them to start having kids as soon as possible.

Luckily it worked, since the next morning…

Lovely. DX

I honestly can’t see what this has to do with the music career. Must be a new FreeTime thing. Still, I suppose we should leave this to the professionals.

Boo. D:

Still, it’s not all doom and gloom.

It’s all that time he’s been playing his new violin.

Lauren’s time for work now. Wouldn’t it be ironic if this house was burgled? And I love how her little hair-bow pops out over her hat. XD

As soon as she got home…


Now everyone. Since there’s a little one on the way and all, I need themes for generation names! It can be anything… characters from your favourite TV show, types of food, brand names… anything. Just give me some themes that sound like fun. I’m sure I’ll eventually run out and it’s just safer to have back-up. If I like any particular suggestions I might use them straight away. Thanks!

And I’ll (hopefully) see you in the next update!

sims 2, twiddle legacy

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