Not to start anything but I do think you might be a bit sensitive on some issues and therefore react more strongly than others would. It sounds like you and N's family have different views on things and, that's okay. Just as they can't expect you to believe in everything they do, you can't expect them to believe and act the way you would. In situations like that you just need to recognize that you all think differently and keep things friendly - especially true when guests in their home
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newer lost has been able to "nudge people sideways" even with out any adjustment on perception. by the time the next season rolls around ill 'prolly be wanting to explode. there's few things out there that i take as a "high signal to noise" ratio. lost is one of them. i can see the metaphors running behind them and im curious to see what comes from their envisioning of what could be.
maybe when the next season come around we can do Lost watching partys?
molars are the devil... they were my bane, and they are often the bane of many people... it could be worse... my uncle grew three sets of them. (after the previous two were removed)
meh, it's only the beginning of season 3. Nothing astoundingly mindfucky or supernatural. my reaction was DEFINITELY directly related to the alcohol because as I got less buzzy, I got fewer visuals. Kept drinking water to dilute the effects and it worked.
I might be offended by that conversation depending on how well I knew the people and their sense of humor. In that last conversation I would have jumped on "I probably wouldn't understand it anyways" just like you did - if that is the case you should totally go check it out and ask questions
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Comments 5
newer lost has been able to "nudge people sideways" even with out any adjustment on perception. by the time the next season rolls around ill 'prolly be wanting to explode. there's few things out there that i take as a "high signal to noise" ratio. lost is one of them. i can see the metaphors running behind them and im curious to see what comes from their envisioning of what could be.
maybe when the next season come around we can do Lost watching partys?
molars are the devil... they were my bane, and they are often the bane of many people... it could be worse... my uncle grew three sets of them. (after the previous two were removed)
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