mir geht es ähnlich. ich muss den film noch mal in 2D schauen, der ganze 3D-scheiß hat mich so angekotzt, dass ich mich nicht so auf die story konzentrieren konnte!
See, that is exactly why I refused to go see LotR (or any other films, once I discovered subtitles) dubbed - because it can make such a huge difference in your enjoyment of a film!
I loved the 48 fps, didn't even need time to get used to it - for hubbie it took a few minutes, but then he loved it too. And it didn't feel soulless to me at all, and I only noticed a very few silly jokes - certainly not enough to annoy me. I thought it was wonderfully and lovingly done. Hopefully seeing it in 2D and English will help you enjoy it more!
Ist ja schade, dass es das 3D für Dich so ruiniert hat. Ich mochte ihn trotzdem sehr und hoffe, dass er Dir in 2D und vor allem der OV doch nochmal besser gefällt.
Comments 14
I loved the 48 fps, didn't even need time to get used to it - for hubbie it took a few minutes, but then he loved it too. And it didn't feel soulless to me at all, and I only noticed a very few silly jokes - certainly not enough to annoy me. I thought it was wonderfully and lovingly done. Hopefully seeing it in 2D and English will help you enjoy it more!
Und 3 D kotzt mich auch nur noch an.
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