If you find a cinema that shows it in 2D and OV/OmU, please please please let me know. I'd be intrigued too, but sadly I don't think that we'll find that anywhere near where we can drive in an hour or so
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Saw it today in 3D HFR and loved it. I've been reading the book which, in my opinion, is a child's book, with all those kinds of touches that would tickle a child but might bore an adult. The language is simple, and it reads as if it were meant to be read outloud at bedtime with little songs that can be sung. That is probably the reason I've put this book down so often over the years, giving up on it. There are lots of little "lessons" about rudeness and manners etc. So I actually thought that Jackson elevated that tone, while still keeping it light and whimsical in the spirit of the book
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Just wanted to say that the English version does have some awful jokes in it. Not sure what ones specifically come to mind, but there is one particularly awful verbal gag during the goblin sequence that just made me feel physically ill.
It's under the spoiler tag if you want to know what it is before seeing the movie in English.
[Spoiler (click to open)]It's when the king suddenly reappears and asks Gandalf what he's going to do. Right after Gandalf slashes his stomach, the king replies with 'yep, that'll do it'
ich hab den Film in OV gesehen und fand ihn sehr lustig - auch wenn ich nicht jeden Witz verstanden habe. In deutsch ist er eher albern? okay - dann lieber nicht alles verstehen. 3 D tat nciht not, die Bilder wirkten oft zu künstlich, wie Playmobile-Figuren. Gut war - für mich - das ich die Geschichte nicht kannte. So war mir aus ausschmücken der Story nicht so wichtig.
Comments 14
It's under the spoiler tag if you want to know what it is before seeing the movie in English.
[Spoiler (click to open)]It's when the king suddenly reappears and asks Gandalf what he's going to do. Right after Gandalf slashes his stomach, the king replies with 'yep, that'll do it'
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