
Oct 12, 2004 23:06

And here I thought I was worth more than only the things I did for others. Apparently I was wrong.

Cut for those who aren't interested )

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Comments 14

adifferentdrum October 13 2004, 05:37:14 UTC
I know we've had our differences of opinion several times but I've always considered you one cool chick in my book. ^-^ I know you have your issues and I have mine but it's okay. Really.

And about the not saying 'Hi' thing... yeah... I'm sorry I never dropped a note to you really since our days of ED since well... I don't game anymore and when I log in for five seconds and disconnect that's usually because I clicked the wrong buttong on my taskbar. @_@ I'm serious here. I still have your cell number and wether or not it's still the right one I've thought of calling you several times just to see how you're doing... but I felt since we weren't as close as say you and Philia I shouldn't intrude like that-- by the way that's just a me issue that I need to get over. I honest to goodness get nervous when I vocalize to people and wind up sounding like an idiot... kinda like now. @_ ( ... )


kelen October 13 2004, 05:55:03 UTC
Man, thank you. u.u I don't need people agreeing with me 100 percent, and I am far, far from perfect, but it's so nice to actually HEAR from someone.

How about from here on out we both try to talk more? I'm willing to make the effort if someone else is too. <3

I mean.. I don't call people I don't find interested and good people my friends. o.o You are indeed interesting and a good person.

Thank you.


adifferentdrum October 13 2004, 15:12:59 UTC
Dood. Yeah. ^-^ We totally need to talk more. ^-^ However I reccomend over Trillian instead of the games since I don't y'know... log into them. ^.^;;;; You can find me under HE Switchboard on AIM and my ICQ# is 29838226 Or we can trade numbers if you like. ^-^ I have free long distance on my houseline so I don't mind footin' that bill. ^.-

And I agree that your not perfect but neither am I. You're just a human being like everyone else. ^-^



kelen October 13 2004, 19:42:40 UTC
And me never much logging into those programs. @.@

Phone is fine. n.n Just not going to post it here. Guess it'll have to be that and LJ. :)


alessar October 13 2004, 12:40:24 UTC
Wow, that sucks. I sort of understand people 'moving on' but not the exact circumstances. Sometimes, people just all change at once and suddenly your group has dissolved around you. I definitely relate to being the one who has to message people and say hi first and all that. I also think that if you're a person who's inclined to be giving, other people start taking it for granted as their due. You know how people are often so demanding of WHM for raises and teleports and just plain being in the party in FFXI? I kinda get that a bit in real life. Once in a while in real life if I'm not just bending over backwards for people and say, "no, sorry, that would really inconvenience me," I get tremendous amounts of 'tude. In a similar vein just stating a disagreement and not phrasing it in a conciliatory manner seems to get people thinking I'm trying to rip them a new oriface. o.O (Trust me, if I'm really mad it's unmistakeable.)


kelen October 13 2004, 13:03:33 UTC
Yeah, this all has really gotten me thinking about it all. u.u I'm not really sure where it all started, just that I finally sought FFXI as a refuge for it.

The saddest part is only one friend has even bothered to talk to me about this. They'd all rather back stab me with one another and avoid me.. and then they wonder why I get upset? c.c

Thanks for posting. :)


(The comment has been removed)

kelen October 13 2004, 19:29:15 UTC
Thank you so much for posting.

People keep reading more into than I mean in many cases. All I have been wanting is a simple hello now and again. One that I don't have to chase people down for. I figured that if that wasn't posible in a couple days... people were interested.

This being said it sounds like we both have the same problem, and I'm just as much to blame on it. Would you like to try over? As in I'm very willing to try and do better about keeping contact. Email or something?


thistle_chaser October 13 2004, 15:41:42 UTC
I'm sorry for the rough times with the MUX, but I'm very, very, very glad we have you instead! *clutches kelen* Mine! Mine! Mine! (Don't hurt me, Aurian!)


loneguardian October 13 2004, 18:52:34 UTC
*tweaks Thistle* I'm glad we have her to. ^^ *groupsnugs~*


kelen October 13 2004, 19:29:41 UTC
Thank you, guys. <3

It's nice to know I'm not alone.


fiawol October 14 2004, 05:24:39 UTC
Holy Cr@p, you're alive! I've sent you e-mails (not replied), called you (phone disconnected), I thought you were gone from the art community for good! Granted, I "want" something from you as well, I want to give you money for artwork! ;-)
If you're still available, and can be talked into drawing something, send me an e-mail, I'd love to get some work from you again.


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