Due South Fanfiction Index

Jan 01, 2006 13:56

I invite people to remix my stories, create podfic of them, use my original characters, recycle my plots, and create derivative works based on my writing. My only requirement is that the author include a link back to the story where they got the idea.

* I've marked my personal favorites with a star. Not necessarily my best work, just the ones I enjoy the most, for one reason or another.

Short Stories:

Black Ice
Soon after the events of "Eclipse", Fraser has a bad day. 2.9k words (PG)

C6D Valentine's Day card
Victoria's Valentine to Fraser. Written for lipstickcat (PG)

The Christmas List
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for a well-dressed detective and his Mountie, who were serving a warrant. Written for the ds_flashfiction Shopping List Challenge. 850 words. (G)

* Con Job
Undercover was easy. (RayK/OMC, RayK/Fraser) Written for ds_shakespeare's prompt #71: "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't". - Macbeth I. v. 5.3k words. (NC-17)

Fraser/Kowalski AU novella in which Fraser is a contract-killer, and Detective Ray Kowalski has to stop him before he kills again. Written for the ds_harlequin challenge. 15.7 words (R)

Death is Not a Threat
A rooftop chase doesn't end the way Fraser expected. 425 words (PG)

December, 1988
Officer Ray Kowalski's first citation. A very overdue and over-grown response to the ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #10, prompt: gun, heartbeat, carried. (PG-13)

* Father Confessor
Father Behan reflects on his history with Raymond and the Vecchio family. Written for exeterlinden as part of the 2007 DSSS holiday exchange. 6.3k words. (PG-13)

The Feast of St. Jude
Fraser and Ma Vecchio commemorate an important day. Written for the ds_flashfiction First Lines Festival. 491 words. (G)

Field Training
Patrolman Ray Vecchio gets a lesson in community policing, Chicago style. Written for the ds_flashfiction Midsummer Amnesty 2008. 563 words. (PG-13)

Full Moon Over Chicago (The Heterozygous Gene Remix)
Gen or Fraser/Kowalski remix of luzula's fabulous werewolf AU, Shifting, created for remixthedrabble. Ray? Is not a werewolf. 400 words. (PG-13)

Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Fraser/Kowalski AU novella in which Fraser is on trial for the murder of Ray Vecchio, and Kowalski is the PI determined to prove his innocence. Written for the ds_harlequin challenge. 13.2k words (R)

* Inside the Tent
Fraser/Kowalski. A Ray-PoV sequel to Outside the Tent. You go far enough north, the sun gets lazy, the compass goes crazy, and the wind has voices in it. Ray can hack it, no problem. He's on the yellow brick road. Written for the ds_flashfiction "Sunshine" Challenge. 3k words. (NC-17)

Into a Far Country
Fraser/Kowalski It was like the streets had swallowed Fraser up without leaving a ripple. Written for the ds_flashfiction 2007 dS Match - Team Angst. 9k words (PG-13)

* Leaving a Mark
Fraser/Kowalski. Knife!Kink PWP. Warnings for m/m sexuality, cutting, and masochism. 2.8k words (NC-17)

RayK/OFC. This seemed like a good idea an hour ago. Warnings for violent and sexual situations. 739 words. (R)

* Proper Care and Feeding
Fraser/Kowalski Back in Chicago after the Quest, Ray starts to get jealous. Written for the ds_flashfiction "Quadruped" Challenge. 2.9k words (PG-13)

Réveillé (The Night Terrors Remix)
Fraser/Kowalski Remix of etben's Looking written for remixredux08. 1.6k words. (NC-17)

Safe House
Ray/Ray. In the summer of '96, two CPD detectives meet for the first time in a safe house on the outskirts of Chicago. Very dark, with warnings for language, violence, and noncon. 4k words (NC-17)

Saying No
Stella/Kowalski. This is an epilogue to "Strange Bedfellows". Stella looks back on her marriage. 1.7k words (R)

Scent of a Man
Four times Diefenbaker saved his packmate. Written for ds_shakespeare Prompt #78. 1.5k words (PG-13)

Slow and Easy
Fraser/Kowalski. A sweet little PWP I wrote for nos4a2no9. 1.5k words (NC-17)

Fraser/Kowalski. Fraser is forced to take extreme measures during a dangerous confrontation.Written for Challenge: ds_northernnews prompt #28. 3.4k words. (PG)

Suspicion is the Silent Killer
Early in their partnership, Fraser gets weird, and Kowalksi gets twitchy. Written for the ds_flashfiction "Secrets" Challenge. 1.8k words (PG-13)

Transfers, Tea, and Goldfish
Fraser, Turnbull. Sometimes all you need is a second chance. 400 words. (PG)

Fraser/Kowalski. When Gerome Laferette offers to cast a love spell on Ray, Fraser refuses to even consider it - at first. Written for the ds_flashfiction "Refusal" Challenge. 3.2k words (PG)

Unwritten Rules
Fraser gets introspective during a stakeout. Expanded from a rat_jam promptathon comment-fic. 1.5k words (PG-13)

Waiting Makes It Worse (The Manny's Pub Remix)
RayK/Stella Remix of exeterlinden's Break up the family written for remixthedrabble . 400 words. (G)

When Masks Slip
Fraser finds out more than he wanted to know about Ray Kowalski. Angst! Written for the ds_flashfiction "Button" Challenge. 2.1k words (R)


Am I Getting Through?
Victoria, Vecchio, Kowalski, Diefenbaker, Fraser. Fraser has a hard time connecting with people. Angst warning.

Don't Tell Me
Ray signed the divorce papers for Stella, but that doesn't mean he stopped loving her. Created for exeterlinden in the dsss 2008 holiday exchange.

* Fallen Leaves
Maybe one man can't save them all, but that won't stop Fraser from trying.

* Train to Jackson
There and back again, Ben Fraser style. Fraser/Canada, Fraser/Canada/Kowalski.


* Accessory
Ray and Fraser argue in the aftermath of a case. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #43: "Stranger" (G)

The Art of Boxing
F/K Cut scene from 'Mountie and Soul.' Written for ds_snippets Rapid Fire Challenge, prompt: "Tape" (PG)

Bad for the Soul
Ever wonder why the officers of the 2-7 suddenly decided to move on Warfield? Written for ds_snippets Challenge #100: "Spin" and "Stalk" (PG)

Bright Shiny Penny
Sometimes Ray just doesn't get Fraser. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #7: "Bent" (PG)

Blood on the Court
Young Ray asks his Pop for advice. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #36: "Yellow" (PG-13)

Burning Down the Locker Room
Fraser's impressions of the new Ray after their first case. Written for the justbreathe80's Less is More Challenge. (G)

The Case of the Missing Stetson
Fraser's hat is missing, and he knows just who to blame. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #6: "Hat" (G)

Cats & Dogs
It's a grudge match, Stella vs. Fraser. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #1 (G)

Containment Breach
'Asylum' meets the zombie apocalypse. Written for ds_snippets Zombie Challenge #105 (PG)

End & Means
F/K. This snippet is a sequel to Accessory. The second time Fraser lied to protect Ray. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #9

Fraser isn't sure of his welcome, now that Ray Kowalski and Ray Vecchio have become partners. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #8: "Desk" (G)

From the Office of AD Kirti Singh
Fraser goes to a woman he barely knows for assistance on an urgent matter. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #89. Sequel to A Woman of Ambition (G)

Inescapable Realities
Fraser/Kowalski. Just another morning up in the NWT. (PG)

Law of the Jungle (The Urban Remix)
A remix of kernezelda's untitled dingo fic, written for round 6 of remixthedrabble.

Frannie Vecchio after "The Deal". Written for ds_snippets Challenge #33. (PG)

Diefenbaker on Death Row during "The Wild Bunch". Written for ds_snippets Challenge #12: "Ownership", Diefenbaker theme (PG)

No Candy
Ray interrogates a suspect without any candy. Written for ds_snippets Candy Challenge #91 (G)

On Three
Fraser, Ray, and five armed men in a bank lobby. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #37: "Mime" (G)

Fraser/Vecchio. Fraser in Chicago during a black-out. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #23: "Power Loss" (PG-13)

* Outside the Tent
Fraser in a post-CotW Snippet. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #4: "Tent" and "Discomfort" (PG-13)

Photographic Memory
Fraser stood in the burned-out ruins of his apartment building. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #2: "Photo" (G)

Pigs in a Blanket
Detective Jack Huey at the end of Juliet is Bleeding. Written for ds_snippets Rapid Fire Challenge, prompt: "Bitter" (PG)

The Return of Nautilus
Ray and Fraser get another crack at capturing the elusive Russian spy, Nautilus. Written for ds_snippets Challenge#28: "Mirror" (G)

Strangely Familiar
Diefenbaker isn't sure what to make of this scent-mark. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #87: "Freeze" (G)

A Study of Stressors Among Researchers Investigating Polar Exploration
Ray Kowalski consents to an interview. Written for Challenge: ds_northernnews prompt#30. (G)

Sunlight and Superpowers
Pre-teen RayK/Stella snippet. (G)

* The Thrill of the Hunt
Diefenbaker's introduction to Chicago. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #1: "First Time" and "Unseen". (PG)

A Very Merry Unbirthday
This was one freaky birthday party, and it wasn't even Ray's birthday. Written for ds_snippets Complete Amnesty Challenge: "Gift" (PG)

Violets at Christmas
Frannie/Elaine kissing ficlet written for the More Joy Day Multi-fandom Kissing Fest. 400 words. (PG)

* When the Walls Close In
RayK isn't enjoying asylum in the Consulate. Written for ds_snippets Amnesty Challenge #10. (PG)

A Woman of Ambition
Fraser has a late-night visitor. Written for ds_snippets challenge #56: "smart, trying, pastel" (PG, Thatcher/OFC)

The Wrong Side of the Tracks
It's been a slow week, and something's wrong with Fraser. Written for ds_snippets Challenge #103: "Railroad" (PG)

due south

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