Hello, my name is keerawa, and I'm a fanfiction writer. This means that I plunder TV, movies, and books for creative resources. Over the past few weeks, it's come to my attention that, in fandom, we rarely use each other's work that way. Which is ... odd. It's not as if we could ever publish these stories to make money, so there's no possible financial harm to the authors.
Now, I do not own the rights to most of the characters and concepts I write about. But anything I might have any rights to, any scenarios or original characters - please feel free to use them. Want to remix a story? Write a fix-it for one of my
angst-filled endings? Come up with hot
Gary/Cash porn? Write a back story for
Matchmaker Annie? Explain how Darius and
Jean-Pierre met? Tell us what happens next between Fraser and Ray in that
Noir Alternate Ending? Go for it!
I give my permission to create derivative works. I invite you to do so. I double-dare you to! Seriously - if any of my work inspires you, run with it. Just link back to the original story. You don't need to tell me if you use anything, but if you drop me a line, I'll be tickled pink to hear about it. This is not a limited-time offer.
And if you'd like to discuss this, feel free.