A Miserable Feast

Apr 09, 2011 16:33

Unlike the dark, narrow halls of the barracks, the Great Hall was bright with candle- and fire-light. The smell of wood-smoke lingered in the air along with the scents of the dishes set out on the table ( Read more... )

alex marsters, jane shepard, rem, coen dostre, !event, sycora novitas, brynhildr dottir, isabel galstone, garrett hawke, kevas, garrus vakarian, eames, joseph ivers, nepeta leijon, nieta diegues, isabella, chase young, chelle vierren, sollux captor

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Comments 256

thii2ii22tupiid April 9 2011, 07:40:15 UTC
Whatever the hell this all was, Sollux was already fucking tired of it. He had seen nothing but what he was pretty sure was humans, except for a couple exceptions, and nothing what so ever able to take his interest away. So he's just gonna...sit here. By himself while others are feasting or whatever. And sulk.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 07:54:30 UTC
Except that he wasn't really by himself. Perhaps he might catch sight of those characteristic horns or blue tail as she approached. Nepeta was trying to be sneaky. She was so glad to see him that she just couldn't waste the opportunity to pounce him!

And so she sneaked closer and closer before yelling out "SOLLUX!" And leaping for him in a typical Nepeta pounce-greet.


thii2ii22tupiid April 9 2011, 07:58:05 UTC
Stuck in a depressive fog, Sollux didn't notice Nepeta until she practically screamed his name. Too late to dodge, or really brace himself, he tries to hold her back psychically...but for some strange reason that fails miserably.

"...Nepeta? Where's everybody else?"

Because if she's there and he's there then everyone else must be there. Right? Right.
Oh, jegus, please don't let him be stuck alone with her.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 08:03:56 UTC
"I don't know," Though she visibly ponders the question, "I was in the lab with Equius and then I woke up here without him..." Only she doesn't remember falling asleep.

"Do you think perhaps that this might be a dream?"


dontgiveafock April 9 2011, 11:17:34 UTC
Having had little time or resources to put the feast together combined with the fact that he hadn't slept since morning of the day before, Joe had hit the point of not caring what the people thought.

He took a seat off to the side, devoured a chunk of bread and chicken and had been just about done with his ale when the need to sleep won him over. The green baseball cap on his head seemed horribly out of place in comparison to his surroundings, but right now it was just what he needed. Leaning back in his chair with his feet on the corner of the table, Joe pulled his hat down over his eyes and allowed himself a moments rest.

At least until someone decided to wake him the hell up.


vivenieta April 10 2011, 13:37:40 UTC
Nieta put a piece of toast spread with jam on the table in front of Joe, and then set down the jam jar with a much louder thud.

"Don't let Isabel find you sleeping, Joe."


dontgiveafock April 10 2011, 13:59:45 UTC
Joe jolted awake, legs kicking off the table and causing his seat to fall backwards. With a yelp, the Irishman tore the hat from his head and latched onto the table like it were his lifeline.

Processing what the hell had just happened and who was responsible took a few seconds before a pair of dark, bleary eyes target Nieta. Frown on his face, Joe stared at the woman before him.

"Right now I'm past the point of caring what she thinks, Nieta. We're all tired. They're here. They've got something to munch on so they won't starve to death."


vivenieta April 11 2011, 03:34:23 UTC
"Are you certain that it won't poison them?" She glanced at the soup tureen, "What was the surprise in the soup?"


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 11:26:00 UTC
Hungry as she was, the journal and the note within had almost Vie's full attention. The letter from Deior was one she'd been reading over and over, attempting to puzzle out the how and why and where exactly the Keep was. It wasn't going so well. There were too many questions, not enough answers, and a single glance around the room was evidence enough that these others were not from her homeworld.

Frustrated, she shut the journal and focused on her mug of ale. The lump on the back of her head from when she'd been struck down in Shad's tower was still there, but thankfully smaller than it had been. Regardless, Vie had weapons, alcohol and more thoughts running through her mind than she cared for.

Quietly she sat, drinking and watching the others around her. It was amazing what you could learn just by playing witness.


blackantiquas April 9 2011, 14:41:55 UTC
It was indeed. For example, just by watching, Rem knew that Vie was informed of her situation. He knew that her companions were either not here, or hadn't been gathered from around the castle yet. He knew that she preferred to observe, rather than immediately engage.

But observation was limited.

Though his steps were quiet, Rem made no effort to hide his approach.

"Hello. I trust you've been treated well?"


lol tense fail! gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 20:54:40 UTC
She looked to Rem and did her best not to startle at his eyes. They were different, he was different, and for a moment she couldn't help but wonder if Rem were one of the Shure clansman. Best to not reveal her species, at least until she was sure.

"Well enough, considering that our arrival seems to of caught you all off-guard."

Vie sipped at her ale and offered Rem a small smile. "Relieved as I am to be one that was saved, I can't help but worry about those left behind."


blackantiquas April 10 2011, 03:26:44 UTC
Rem's smile softened. He sensed Vie's surprise, but he wasn't at all bothered by it, instead taking the empty seat to Vie's left.

"You need not worry about others you knew. They, like you, have lost their world, but it will be returned."


vivenieta April 9 2011, 13:04:05 UTC
Nieta was late to the feast, but it looked like she had not missed much. She had known that it would be harder this time, but still she had not expected to see so many down faces in the room. And on top of that, the food looked bad, not just unappetizing. Nieta was weary and she smelled like dogs, but at least she had brought with her a basket of fresh apples from the orchard. It was not a very good dessert, but compared to a lot of the other foods on the table, she was glad she had it.

She set the basket down and then stepped back to survey the room. There was no music coming from the gallery. She should change this. But for now, she simply looked around for the rest of the staff, or somebody that she could help, anything to make the party seem less dismal.


blackantiquas April 9 2011, 14:22:19 UTC

Rem walked up to her, a smile on his face. He gave a glance down at the apples, noting that she'd been to the orchard, and then looked back to her eyes.

"How did you fare?"


vivenieta April 9 2011, 14:38:55 UTC
Nieta shook her head, silent. She looked around the room once more. How much were they permitted to say? She did not want a lecture from Isabel right now.

"The dogs found many scents, but I don't know if they were hers. They are too young. I said that. We didn't go very far." She gestured to the apples. The had searched the inner bailey. That was all. Nieta had known already that their target was not there.

"How are things here?" She glanced again at their new companions.


blackantiquas April 9 2011, 14:51:27 UTC
Rem let out a thoughtful hum, but pressed no further. Nieta had told him what he needed to know.

He followed Nieta's gaze, surveying the room. "Our guests are quiet, as of yet. However, I've yet to speak to one who was pleased with the circumstances." He frowned lightly, "Though I supposed it would be a surprise if I did. While I do not begrudge Joseph for its quality, poor man, the meal is certainly below par."


drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 14:54:55 UTC
That smell...he knew that smell. There was alcohol here! At least there was something going his way in this place. Kevas made a beeline for the ale, grabbing whatever bits of food he could along the way. The meal might be measly but it was better than the scraps they were picking out of the rubble back on the Shore. It took a considerable amount of restraint to keep from guzzling the ale but he wasn't about to have his first meal in weeks end up all over the floor.

Now Kevas had time to sit and think about what was going on. Was this Redd's doing? That couldn't be. The man was dead. Kevas helped see to that. This didn't seem like something he would do either. Everything was much too...sane. The last time something like this happened it meant the end of his world, in more ways then one. But what were the chances of that happening again?

...Actually he didn't want to think about. Right now he had to be build his strength and the find the others. If Odette was here then surely there had to be more.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 16:13:51 UTC
Nepeta had been devouring half a chicken when a big, muscly, blue-green arm reached past her and took the smelly wine jug. Nepeta stared, her gaze following the arm as it retracted. Who was that?

Her eyes widened as she turned. He was so big! And he had horns coming out of his mouth. He looked like an imp.

Nepeta snapped out her claws but otherwise sat still and staring. If he was an imp, she should aggrieve him! But if he wasn't an imp, then she might be his unsuspecting prey.


drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 16:20:14 UTC
Weak as he might be, Kevas could still tell when someone was watching him. He wiped his mouth clean with his leather sleeve and turned to look at her.

The first things he noticed were the cat ears and he was instantly reminded of Cat. No wait...those weren't cat ears. There were horns. And don't think he didn't notice those claws coming out. He really hoped she didn't get any bright ideas. Beating the snot out of a child wasn't high on his to-do list.

"Joo be alright dere girliemon?"

He may as well try to be pleasant, even if he was feeling like shit twice shat.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 16:41:02 UTC
Nepeta didn't reply. Instead, she grinned. And then she giggled. His accent was funny! If he talked, he couldn't be an imp. That meant he could only be a ferocious beast... Or someone harmless. He was possibly someone harmless, perhaps. After all, he wasn't aggrieving her. He'd just taken the smell wine away. And besides, he looked interesting!

"Hee, what are you?"


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