A Miserable Feast

Apr 09, 2011 16:33

Unlike the dark, narrow halls of the barracks, the Great Hall was bright with candle- and fire-light. The smell of wood-smoke lingered in the air along with the scents of the dishes set out on the table ( Read more... )

alex marsters, jane shepard, rem, coen dostre, !event, sycora novitas, brynhildr dottir, isabel galstone, garrett hawke, kevas, garrus vakarian, eames, joseph ivers, nepeta leijon, nieta diegues, isabella, chase young, chelle vierren, sollux captor

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drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 14:54:55 UTC
That smell...he knew that smell. There was alcohol here! At least there was something going his way in this place. Kevas made a beeline for the ale, grabbing whatever bits of food he could along the way. The meal might be measly but it was better than the scraps they were picking out of the rubble back on the Shore. It took a considerable amount of restraint to keep from guzzling the ale but he wasn't about to have his first meal in weeks end up all over the floor.

Now Kevas had time to sit and think about what was going on. Was this Redd's doing? That couldn't be. The man was dead. Kevas helped see to that. This didn't seem like something he would do either. Everything was much too...sane. The last time something like this happened it meant the end of his world, in more ways then one. But what were the chances of that happening again?

...Actually he didn't want to think about. Right now he had to be build his strength and the find the others. If Odette was here then surely there had to be more.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 16:13:51 UTC
Nepeta had been devouring half a chicken when a big, muscly, blue-green arm reached past her and took the smelly wine jug. Nepeta stared, her gaze following the arm as it retracted. Who was that?

Her eyes widened as she turned. He was so big! And he had horns coming out of his mouth. He looked like an imp.

Nepeta snapped out her claws but otherwise sat still and staring. If he was an imp, she should aggrieve him! But if he wasn't an imp, then she might be his unsuspecting prey.


drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 16:20:14 UTC
Weak as he might be, Kevas could still tell when someone was watching him. He wiped his mouth clean with his leather sleeve and turned to look at her.

The first things he noticed were the cat ears and he was instantly reminded of Cat. No wait...those weren't cat ears. There were horns. And don't think he didn't notice those claws coming out. He really hoped she didn't get any bright ideas. Beating the snot out of a child wasn't high on his to-do list.

"Joo be alright dere girliemon?"

He may as well try to be pleasant, even if he was feeling like shit twice shat.


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 16:41:02 UTC
Nepeta didn't reply. Instead, she grinned. And then she giggled. His accent was funny! If he talked, he couldn't be an imp. That meant he could only be a ferocious beast... Or someone harmless. He was possibly someone harmless, perhaps. After all, he wasn't aggrieving her. He'd just taken the smell wine away. And besides, he looked interesting!

"Hee, what are you?"


drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 16:48:32 UTC
She laughed? Not that Kevas was complaining. Better she do that than start screaming in fear or trying to attack him. In fact it was a bit refreshing. His arrival to this place wasn't really what he would call a good one, so it was nice to find someone who actually appeared to be happy.

Here question made him chuckle. This one certainly didn't beat around the bush.

"I be a troll girliemon."


purrtndyfuntms April 9 2011, 17:04:49 UTC
Nepeta smile faded and she stared up at him, completely perplexed. Did he think she was stupid?

"No, I'm a troll." And so he couldn't be. Because they didn't look anything alike, except perhaps maybe for the fact that his blood was possibly teal like Terezi's. But he still looked all wrong to be a troll!


drinkuntilidie April 9 2011, 17:57:28 UTC
Kevas just kind of gawked at her. For so long Kevas wanted to find another troll. This wasn't exactly what he had in mind though. With a sigh Kevas took a nice long swig from the jug. Life had a twisted sense of humor sometimes.

"Dey be makin' dem in all shapes and sizes dese days," he said mostly to himself.


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 03:27:27 UTC
It took her a moment to realize that he wasn't talking to her. But that didn't matter! He was calling her small. And okay, he was kind of big, but he wasn't an adult troll and he wasn't trying to aggrieve her and he still looked a lot like an imp or an ogre and Nepeta had fought lots of those.

"I see through your ruse! If you were a troll, you would have horns on your head instead of tusks like an ogre." And even though she couldn't see the top of his head, she was pretty sure there weren't horns poking through his hat.


drinkuntilidie April 10 2011, 05:29:15 UTC
"No I be troll alright girliemon, just a diffrent kind from a diffrent world."

It was unlikely that she would believe that explanation but at the moment Kevas didn't have the energy or patience to think of an easier way to explain it. Not that he could blame her. If not for his own experiences he wouldn't believe it himself.


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 08:04:21 UTC
"... A different universe?" Nepeta understood different universes, she just didn't know that there were others that had trolls in them. But it was still worth seeing if he was from a universe she knew, wasn't it?

"Does your universe have humans in it?


drinkuntilidie April 10 2011, 17:29:58 UTC
This is the first time that Kevas ever heard that term but he just assumes it means the same as world. At least she seems to know what he's talking about. He wonders just what kind of troll she is. Hopefully not the kind that lives under bridges. That's just degrading.

"I haven't heard of any where dem pink-skins don't exist."


purrtndyfuntms April 11 2011, 03:38:56 UTC
"Heehee," he didn't know that pink-skins was what her friends called them, or how silly it sounded with his funny accent. So Nepeta just giggled to herself.

"There aren't any in the universe I came from."


drinkuntilidie April 11 2011, 04:11:12 UTC
A small chuckle escaped him when she began to giggle. She might be one of the oddest trolls he had ever seen, but she was alright.

"Dat gotta be making t'ings so much more peaceful."

Sure some of his family and his mate were pink-skins, but that didn't mean that they weren't crazy.


purrtndyfuntms April 11 2011, 11:11:33 UTC
Nepeta seemed to ponder that for a moment, "Hmmm... Not really! Humans sure are weird, but they don't even hunt!" Let alone kill one another as part of fun pretend games, or keep a silly hemospectrum


drinkuntilidie April 11 2011, 17:59:12 UTC
"Can't really argue wid joo dere girliemon."

Kevas couldn't call any of the pink-skins he knows normal. Of course that wasn't really a bad thing. If the they were his life would be far too boring. Everyone needed a little excitement in the their life after all. Of course being kidnapped and transported to another strange world was something he could go without.

"So what be joor name?"

The only person Kevas knew here was Odette. It couldn't hurt to know a few others here.


purrtndyfuntms April 12 2011, 05:31:16 UTC
Nepeta took a moment to ponder that too. Should she be trying to troll him? Karkat would probably tell her to, and that would mean not telling him her real name. But even if he looked scary, he seemed nice and besides she couldn't think of a way to troll him to his face.

"I'm Nepeta! Furocious hunter of cholerbears and seeker of the fountain of cute! Who're you?"


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