
Oct 18, 2011 13:42

Who: Open. Please tag yourselves.
What: Medieval and period dance instruction
When: After dinner!
Where: The dance hall in The Bower.

Isabel is never late )

mimmi kopanski, megamind, princess odette, alex marsters, ezra, lily rammsteiner, brynhildr dottir, isabel galstone, logan/wolverine, chloe saunders, aara, kairi, equius zahhak, rapunzel gothel, nieta diegues, tumnus, xanth aumeli, derek souza

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Comments 189

lily (thread w/ equius backdated to before lessons start) unit_67 October 18 2011, 03:32:25 UTC
This could be something you never expected you'd ever see, though if you did expect to see a little blonde girl pulling a beefy grey troll to medieval dancing lessons by the arm, I want to know what you're smoking and where I can get some. That's exactly what's happening now. Lily is all but dragging Equius into the dance hall - because learning to dance is way more fun than archery, right? Right!

"Equius," Lily huffs, trying and failing to mask her frustration, "it's just dancing. Come onnn. Neither of us can dance, these are dance lessons, it's common sense!" Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a firm grip on a really, really sweaty arm? It's hard. Lily has had her hands in grosser stuff, sure, but seriously. "And people dance at parties, right? I think? So we need to know how to dance for the Hallow's Eve party or whatever it's called, right? It'll be fun!"

(Note: This DOES count as Lily's thread, so tag here if you wanna dance! All dances are welcome. Everything will be dated after Lily and Equius's thread.)


b100b100dbeast October 18 2011, 03:44:18 UTC
A loud grinding noise echoes throughout the dance hall, as Lily may as well be dragging a resisting statue. His shoes dig into the floor, scraping it up something fierce yet his partner seems persistent enough to make progress.

"This is ridiculous. You will stop pulling me," He growls, his piercing yellow glare peering over his shades, "I do not dance. Can we not just spar more. I will even allow you to kick me in the throat again." He's huffing and fussing until they finally reach the place. He's not even sure what kind of dances humans do. This can only lead to foolishness and embarrassment, in his mind.


unit_67 October 18 2011, 03:53:02 UTC
"You dance today. Come on, Eq, I'm not asking you to wear a frilly outfit or anything. God, you're sweaty." Lily eventually stops dragging him once they're a good distance from the door. You know, in case he tries to make a break for it. "It'll be fuuuuun! Tons of fun! We can spar tomorrow, I promise!"She stares up at him, pouting. "If I let go, are you gonna run away?"


b100b100dbeast October 18 2011, 04:21:00 UTC
"It is a condition." Equius rubbed his arms against his shirt, trying to dry them after he pulled himself out of Lily's grasp. "Alternians do not run. That does not mean I wish to dance... I'm not interested in fun," He grumbled, "But fine. I will assist you in learning how to dance. For your own benefit."


Any dance/Multiple replies! YOU KNOW YOU WANNA notpredictable October 18 2011, 12:39:33 UTC
Oh, how could he ever pass something like this up? He'd shown up
replete with cape and gloves, though the spikes were missing.

He'd watched with no small amount of entertainment, picking up what
steps he didn't know and filling in the blanks of the few he actually

Whoever his partner(s) is/are at the moment, pity them, because he's
barking instructions.

"By the Maker, do you have two left feet?

"No, not my left, yours! Yours!"

Oh, the poor circle or line that he happens to be in.


aswanbyday October 19 2011, 19:13:13 UTC
Odette's going to be sly and steal him from his current partner. Was she who you were dancing with a bit ago, Megs?

"Having fun?"


notpredictable October 20 2011, 01:39:28 UTC
Oh, look at that poaching talent you've got there, Princess.

"...Quite, actually."

And he is, despite any outward appearances otherwise.


aswanbyday October 20 2011, 21:59:13 UTC
Well, she knows what she's doing. She's been dancing like this all of her life.

"Good. I know most people consider them..." and her "old fashion."


Any/Multiple! :D 70ftandcounting October 18 2011, 13:36:07 UTC
Rapunzel is actually…quite familiar with circle dances somehow, and shows up barefoot with her hair pulled back into the customary long braid that she’s grown accustomed to wearing.

Her partner, whoever it might be, is cheerfully pulled into the mix, twirling along with her as she skips into the steps.


Any dance/ALL THE PARTNERS!!!! allthesame2me October 18 2011, 19:02:08 UTC
Alex is not one to miss out on festivities if at all possible, and the dance lessons are no different! He made his way to bower as instructed, gaze sweepin around the room at those already there. He had dressed for dancing, both his pants and shirt a light gauzy material. His shirt opens nearly to his navel, but there is not an ounce of self-consciousness in his barefooted form.

Spying an unoccupied Keepite after watching the dances for a time, the shifter moves in and takes their arm, pulling them into the closest dance group near them with a laugh.


/SUBTLY INTRODUCES THESE TWO lightyourway October 19 2011, 18:56:24 UTC
Kairi is not the first person Alex dances with. Nor is she second. In fact, she has been so caught up in the energy of the dances and dancing among and around all the people she knows, that she's at once surprised and a little taken aback to find herself suddenly opposite someone she doesn't know.

Or does she?

"Oh, hello." Skip right, wait for the others to catch up.

"I'm Kairi," Be ready for the turn, "Have we met before?"

She's been here a few months and she can't even remember everyone she's met and spoken too.

That's probably why things like this are a good thing.


/o/ allthesame2me October 19 2011, 23:44:30 UTC
Alex snags Kairi with the ease of someone that might have danced these dances a lot, even though he's only been at it for a short time now; since Isabella started the lessons, actually. They had similar things such as this at the renaissance faires back home, but actually living it was a whole new thing.

He moves lightly across the floor with Kairi, prepared for the turn when it comes and smiles warmly at his newest partner.

"Hi," he shines that winning smile her way. "I think we've bumped into each other a time or two, but I'm Alex for the sake of debate."

Because, seriously, they had a lot of people here and no matter how on top of it Alex tried to stay there was always the chance he'd missed someone.

All the same, he doesn't seem bothered in the slightest to be guiding around the unfamiliar girl.


HI I'M LATE! lightyourway October 22 2011, 11:16:53 UTC
He's good. Kairi had fallen into the more energetic dance style easier than she had a formal waltz, but she still had more enthusiasm than skill.

Alex? Alex was really good. Or at least, she thought so.

"Okay, Alex. Heh, have you done this before?" If they danced like this on his world, then of course he'd be good.


All the tags! ghostly_stutter October 19 2011, 02:27:03 UTC
Well, if there was going to be a party, Chloe wanted to know how to dance for it. Never mind part of her wanted to mentally do research for a film. She can see it now: a medieval Keep, a night of horrors--this could prove to be fun!

And there's no way Chloe would let Derek get out of attending this. She wanted to be able to dance with him. Truth be told, she was more than eager to commiserate with him on the dance floor. The teasing spark in her eyes would be ceaseless.

So Chloe arrives to the bower, Derek with her, and her expression lights up when she sees some familiar faces.

"See? This won't be so bad."

Then she makes her way fully into the room.


you can decide if this is before or after derek leaves \o/ stillseecracks October 19 2011, 06:17:49 UTC
Xanth is already caught in a group dance. He didn't exactly want to attend, but he figured he could learn a thing or two and, just maybe, get his mind off things.

When he spots Chloe, he ducks out of the dance first chance he gets and makes his way over. His cheeks are a little flushed from exertion, and he's looking a bit healthier than he was last time.

(His hair, however, is still much too long. He's tied it back in a low ponytail.)

"H--Hey! I-- I didn't-- th-think I'd see you h-here."


Let's say Derek's hanging back for a minute? Or sulking in a corner? Getting drinks? NO IDEA. ghostly_stutter October 19 2011, 22:10:58 UTC
Grinning, Chloe can't help the small laugh as Xanth ducks away from the dance to greet her. He does look a bit healthier now, though, and the flush from excursion on his cheeks was probably good for him.

"Hey yourself. I honestly didn't know who would come to this, but I'm glad you're here. There are a few friendly faces, which is nice."

She tilts her head curiously to one side. "Why didn't you think you'd see me here?"


works for me! stillseecracks October 20 2011, 10:03:38 UTC
He shrugs one shoulder. "O-Oh, I, I--I don't know. I-I guess I just-- d-didn't r-really expect to-- to see a-anybody."

Xanth glances over his shoulder at the crowds dancing, then tucks a loose piece of hair behind one ear. "S--So, do, d-do you... know a-any dances?"


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