I've gotten a couple questions about my Rain icons, like the one in my userpic, so I've decided to do a little tutorial about them. Enjoy!
Using Photoshop and ImageReady. Basic Knowledge of Photoshop and ImageReady needed.Making this:
Open Photoshop and open up 4 blank canvases. Paste your base into one. Fix to however you want it, then minimize it.
Fill each of the other 3 blank canvases with black. Then go to Filter/Noise/Add Noise. This is what the window will look like:
Add as much as you want. I'm going to set it to Amount: 35, Distribution: Gaussian, and Monochromatic.
Do the same to the other blank canvases. You can have different amounts of noise in each one if you want. In the end, you'll have three of these:
Now, go to Filtre/Blur/Motion Blur. The window will look like this:
Those are the settings I'll be using. Adjust the settings to whichever directions you want, but make sure it compliments the icon. Once this is done, Blur it once.
Do the same with the other noise layers, but make them at different directions, at least within 10 degrees of each other. You end up with these:
Now, go back to your image base and copy it. Paste it as a new image and take your first noise layer. Paste it over your image layer, and set it to Screen. Repeat this step with the other noise layers until you have three of these, then flatten the image:
Open up ImageReady, and open up 3 seperate canvases. Paste one image into each of the blank canvases. Have your first image ready, and minimize the other 2. Make sure you have the Animation Window up. If not, then go to Window and look to where it says 'Show Animation'. Click it. If it says 'Hide Animation', then the Window is already there. This is what it will look like, and here is the next step:
Go to you other images you pasted in Image Ready, and click the little arrow again when you've selected your second image. Click 'Copy Frame'. Then go back to Image One, click the arrow again and, making sure the second window on the animation bar is highlighted, click 'Paaste Frame'. Repeat the previous step one more time to get the third image in there.
Now, in the picture below, you see how it says '0.1 sec.'? Click in that area on your animation bar, and select that. Do the same for the other animation layers (the images to the right numbered 2 and 3'. Then, click the arrow next to the square on the animation bar. It's the play button. Watch you rain fall!
Go to File/Save Optimized, and then you're done!
Icons I made with this tut:
I made these by Sharpening it instead of blurring it, and at different angles too: