"Will, I am your father."

Dec 16, 2010 15:32

I blame the people who do Robin and Jonathon's hair. And maybe the head-trauma as well (if you held a gun to my head and asked me to name a possible father for Will who's in the Five, it wouldn't normally be Tesla). But, the more I watch, the more I notice certain (purely physical) similarities between Will and Tesla. Couple that with them actually ( Read more... )

kat is a freak, pic!spam, will zimmerman, got crack?, sanctuary, nikola tesla, rabid fangirl

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Comments 54

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kat_rowe December 17 2010, 18:51:45 UTC
I've always toyed with the idea that Will is Watson's son or grandson (when I'm not shamelessly slashing them), but man are Will and Tesla starting to look alike. Maybe it's like when people start to look like their pets after awhile?

gah, now I kind of want to do a pic!spam of Will confronting Magnus. they did do some shouting at each other in "King and Country" so the caps are there... *muses*

i was actually worried after i posted it that it wasn't that funny, so it's good to know that the humor center of my brain wasn't damaged in the accident :D


diviniaserit December 16 2010, 20:58:51 UTC
Bahahahahahahaah! Thanks for that. And you are so right! I see similarities too! *hugs*

ps- I updated my journal as to why I haven't been online recently! I miss you! *huggles*


kat_rowe December 17 2010, 18:54:06 UTC
(perfect icon is perfect)

it's totally the hair. and the boyish crushes on Magnus. and the fact that you just want to pinch both of their cheeks...

*kisses your owwie better*

hang in there, hon. I've missed chatting with you. plenty of rest and fluids and such. you know the drill *hug* I replied to your entry, so let me know on that offer. I may not get it done before Christmas since life's crazy right now, but I only work ten and a half hours the week after, so I should be able to manage something before the new year if you want *snuggles*


doylefan22 December 16 2010, 21:47:46 UTC
I am so disturbed by this :D


kat_rowe December 17 2010, 18:54:34 UTC
but is it the good kind of disturbed or the bad kind? ;p


silverwolf December 17 2010, 00:49:25 UTC
I am now bizarrely in love with the idea of Tesla as Will's father. LOL


kat_rowe December 17 2010, 18:55:56 UTC
i've always toyed with the idea of Watson as Will's father or grandfather but, now that he's getting a physical similarity to Tesla going on, I'm rethinking that...


silverwolf December 18 2010, 06:48:49 UTC
Ooh Watson as Will's ancestor. But then I like them as a pairing which just causes a short circuit in my brain. This show has so many options! :oD


kat_rowe December 20 2010, 17:00:48 UTC
i know. it makes my brain hurt trying to figure out whether i want to slash them or write them as family (and my Watson gets very paternal even when being smutted with Will which only complicates the issue). I don't know what to do!!! :D

*smushes the boys anyway and goes back to assuming that Will's father was some random dude with Cabal contacts*


ehowton December 17 2010, 02:59:39 UTC
lol - awesome. Someday...I'm gonna watch TV.


kat_rowe December 17 2010, 18:58:36 UTC
TV eats a person's life. but it also allows one to see gorgeous people half-nekkid and/or dressed to the nines in gorgeous period costumes. I've been having kinky fantasies involving "Principal Magnus" since I saw this pic:

... )


silverwolf December 18 2010, 06:53:19 UTC
I'm just gonna butt in her to demand that fic be written!


kat_rowe December 20 2010, 17:02:16 UTC
*leers* oh, the possibilities...


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