"Will, I am your father."

Dec 16, 2010 15:32

I blame the people who do Robin and Jonathon's hair. And maybe the head-trauma as well (if you held a gun to my head and asked me to name a possible father for Will who's in the Five, it wouldn't normally be Tesla). But, the more I watch, the more I notice certain (purely physical) similarities between Will and Tesla. Couple that with them actually having a non-antagonistic scene together last week and this was the result

Tesla: "Wine?"

Will: "It always worries me when you're nice."

Tesla: "Yes, well, how better to keep you guessing?"

Will: "Did you need something?"

Tesla: *is uncharacteristically silent*

Will: *thinks this cannot be a good sign*

Tesla: "Could you look at these test results?"

Will: "It's a paternity test. Whose?"

Tesla: "Mine and, well... yours."

Will: *iz speechless for once*

Will: "Well, I'm not calling you Dad!"

Tesla: "Well, thank God for small favors."

Kate: "Hey, guys. Will, is this a bad time?"

Tesla: "He'll have to get back to you on that..."

I blame the hair. Look at it. It's like they're trying to be twins. Okay, and now I need to get to work *hugs everyone* Peace, out...

kat is a freak, pic!spam, will zimmerman, got crack?, sanctuary, nikola tesla, rabid fangirl

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