Kat's Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 4

May 12, 2007 15:34

I hope you find these vid recs useful and not just unnecessary clutter on you F-list. If you have any suggestions for improvement, or requests for particular themes (yes, yes, more angst will come later) or fandoms, please let me know.

Five Fanvids about Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll Violence


Vid: Roseability
Vidder: Luminosity aka
Fandom: Angel the Series
Genre/pairing: Angel/Spike
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Angel/Spike is canon and don’t try to tell me otherwise. The shows did everything but say it out loud, and you could feel the tension whenever the two of them were in the same state. First there was Drusilla, then Buffy, but it takes absolutely no stretch of an imagination to see that somewhere along the line there was just Angel and Spike, with no one between them to soften the blows. This video captures perfectly a relationship that constantly teeters on the edge of sex and violence. It’s a connection so strong, so undeniable (though they do try), that it’s not strictly speaking love, but it is something. The video skilfully juxtaposes the flashbacks scenes of their shared history with the events from the shows’ timeline; revealing a relationship conducted with hard fists and long looks, tinged with blood and sexual tension sharp enough to draw it. But like the song says: They’ll always be dissatisfied. Brilliant, brilliant video that stays interesting even after several viewings. Highly recommended.
Download link and info: From the vidder’s website. Scroll down to about half-way down the page.

Vid: Oh My God
Vidder: XoF aka
Fandom: Queer As Folk UK
Genre/pairing: Stuart/Vince
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Reccing this video admittedly has more to do with the footage and song than any particular genius by the vidder. But, when it comes to an open-shirted Stuart dancing (God bless the DVD extras) to Pink (ft. Peaches) whilst yearning for Vince, and my sheer love for this series (oh Russell T. Davis, I want to marry your brain), I’m powerless to resist. Plus it fits the theme perfectly; here we have sex and drugs aplenty, if not the violence. So watch, wallow in nostalgia, lust after Aidan Gillen (one of the sexiest men alive), then come for a visit and we’ll grab a drink on the Canal Street.
Download link and info: Here is the vidder’s original LJ post.  The download links have expired but she says she will happily re-upload. Alternatively, you can find the vid on youtube here.

Vid: Closer - the Remix
Fandom: Smallville
Genre/pairing: Constructed reality, deconstructed relationship, porn sex, Clark/Lex
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: So, remember that Smallville episode where Clark got some Red Kryptonite, went all psycho, and fucked Lex like an animal? No? Well okay, maybe only the first two out of the three things happened in the show (had it been all, I might have actually, you know, watched the series), but that’s okay because the vidder makes me believe the last part did too. Repeatedly. To the music of NIN. If you got a kink for dubious/non-con, this video will hit it hard and make it its bitch. If you like good boys going bad, the video will show you how it’s done. Amazing use and editing of footage to create a completely believable alternate version of the events. The black-and-white sequences are almost painful to watch and the fast-rewind thing at the end is very, very cool. Sex, drugs and violence, all alive and present.
Download link and info: From the vidder’s original LJ post

Vid: Sex, Violence, and Cylons
Vidder: Martouf Marty aka
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (new)
Genre/pairing: Sex & Violence. Canon pairings and several implied ones… In fact, consider everyone a fair game.
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: You do know that the new BSG is the best sci-fi, nay, drama, on TV at the moment? Good. Just checking. This video, however, doesn’t showcase the intelligent writing, or the edge-of-your-seat plot twists that make the show so very great. Instead it reveals BSG to be nothing but “violent pornography, choking chicks and sodomy”. And, uh, as such, it’s brilliant. Absolutely spot-on editing and inspired choice of clips and music result in a video that’s raw, hard-hitting, obscene, funny, violent, addictive, and definitely not for the faint-hearted.
Download link and info: From the vidder’s website. Go to TV Vid > Other TV.

Vid: Too Much Light In This Bar
Vidder: Absolute Destiny aka
Fandom: Life on Mars
Genre/pairing: Sam/Gene
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: I’ve recced this video before in the
lifein1973 community so I’ll just repeat what I said then: It took me good two minutes to a) start breathing and b) stop shaking, after seeing this video. The matching of clips to the song lyrics is spot-on and the effects add to the jarring, unbalanced feel of it. The vidder has managed to distil the essence of Gene into a 30 second sequence that is laugh-out-loud funny yet leaves you with a deep sense of unease. Alternatively funny, violent, desperate, self-deprecating and just so damn pretty to look at, this video shows you the upside, the downside and the inside of being Sam Tyler.
Download link and info: From the vidder’s original LJ post


Miss an edition? Fret not my child but go thee here:
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 1 (weepy angst)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 2 (humour and crack)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 3 (hard-hitting angst)

Next edition: ZOMG Watch My Show! - Part 1 (i.e. show overview and recruiter vids)

life on mars, themed vid recs of doom, queer as folk uk, smallville, angel the series, fanvid rec, battlestar galactica

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