Kat's Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 3

Apr 13, 2007 14:39

F-list, prepare to ANGST.

Five Fanvids That Will Break You And Then Stomp On The Pieces


Vid: Counting Bodies
Vidder: Milly aka
Fandom: Angel the Series
Genre/pairing: Myth-angst, Angel&Connor father-son relationship (which was never that conventional so interpret it as you please)
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: So yeah. The Angel was frequently funny and gay and sweet. The appeal was that just as frequently the show was violent, raw and downright disturbing. Despite its occasional lapses into silliness, the Connor-arch was a prime example of the last trend and the vid distils the storyline into five hard-hitting minutes. The vid is mainly black&white, which makes the judicious use of colour all the more effective. The song-choice is perfect for Angel and Connor, and the editing is sharp like a knife and just as lethal.
Download link and info: From the vidder's website

Vid: Post Blue
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Genre/pairing: Angsty relationship vid, Simon/River (which is brother/sister in case you’re without any canon knowledge like me)
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: I’ve never seen even one episode of Firefly and my knowledge of canon is weak to say the least (uhm, they’re in space, there are some nasty guys who look like Nazis, and some dubious looking medical testing). I downloaded this video for precisely two reasons: 1) it uses Placebo’s Post Blue which is one of my favourite songs ever, and 2) it promised me hetcest, which, after losing my incest-cherry for SPN, I was feeling curious about. I kept the vid for the simple reason that it’s freaking awesome. The sheer technical skill (layers, stills coming to life and vice versa, divided screen, zooming, use of text) of this is remarkable but the real beauty comes from the fact that all of it is used to bring the story into focus, not drown it in unnecessary gimmicks. Definitely worth watching even if you don’t know anything about the canon. Trust me on this.
Download link and info: From the vidder's original LJ post

Vid: Hello
Vidder: Merry aka
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre/pairing: Angsty actionvid, John-centric (maaaybe a bit mcsheppy if you are so inclined)
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: This is one of the earlier Atlantis vids I saw, but it has lost nothing of its impact. The matching of music to the clips is just inspired, especially the use of images of Atlantis, wormholes, space, and explosions. It’s somehow grittier than the show has ever managed to be, conveying a feeling of danger, desperation and destiny, and how John is just swept away with it all. One of the must-have vids of SGA. Highly recommended.
Download link and info: From Merry’s vids at anyroad.org

Vid: Without You I’m Nothing
Fandom: Smallville
Genre/pairing: Myth-angst, Clark/Lex
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: Despite never really watching the show, I’m fairly familiar with the fandom, and have trawled through tons of fanfic and several vids. What can I say, I’m a fandom whore. This video though… It shows what true obsession looks like, and it ain’t pretty. The vid is steeped deep in the myth of hero/arch villain; a relationship that tears the rest of the world apart in consummation of love, hate and mutual need. Gorgeous use of the show’s own imagery, excellent editing, and a “larger than life” feel that lifts this vid above the masses.
Download link and info: From vidder's original LJ post

Vid: Hemorrhage
Vidder: Fabella aka
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre/pairing: Angst out of the wazoo, Dean-centric, Gen
Rambling reason why you should watch this vid: It’s difficult to say anything coherent about this vid (my main reaction is a whimpery Oh Dean uttered repeatedly as I rock back and forth on the sofa), but for you I will try. The video doesn’t pull any punches and you’ll feel achy and bruised for hours afterwards. Watch out for a jaw-dropping opening, sepia-toned scenes to break your heart, use of a truly amazing blurring effect, which especially in the last scene kills me and (living up to the vid’s name) leaves me bleeding. It doesn’t get any angstier than this.
Download link and info: From vidder's original LJ post


Miss an edition? Don't worry, find them here:
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 1 (weepy angst)
Themed Vid Recs of Doom - Edition 2 (humour and crack)

Next edition: Sex, drugs and rock 'n roll violence.

themed vid recs of doom, smallville, angel the series, firefly/serenity, fanvid rec, supernatural, stargate atlantis

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