SPN 2.18 Hollywood Babylon

May 11, 2007 19:33

 After watching the Eurovision semi-finals last night and mourning the fact that neither the Swiss vampires or the Danish drag-queen qualified, I decided it was time to catch up with the Winchester brothers. And also to resist the horrible crack-bunny about Sam and Dean trying to exorcise Lordi but we won’t talk about that. Ever.

Oookay, even if the episode name hadn’t given the game away I would have totally pecked the start as fake.

The girl can’t scream until the real spook teaches her how it’s done. Awesome.

So the Winchesters are in Hollywood. Now… are they going to bang Lindsey Lohan, and if so are they going to take turns or do it together? I mean, remember how Dean was very specific about that, both of them getting the chance… *pervs*

AHAHAHAAAAAAAAA Gilmore Girls! Sam’s face! Oh Jayred, that’s comedy gold. Someone give the writers a lollipop.

Dean’s fangirling Matt Damon?? Priceless.

They came for a holiday? Where’s the fic where they lounge by the pool, drink pink cocktails, and bang Lindsey Lohan, hit the clubs? No seriously, tell me someone has written this?

And Dean has the hots for the actress. Of course he does.

Gary Cole as the producer? So cool.

*snigger* Sam’s knowledge of girly drinks comes in handy.

Dean: What’s a PA?
Sam: I think they’re kinda like slaves.

Dean likes the free food. That’s… actually sort of sad. Because I’ve been there and I know that if you are like that with free buffet tables it usually means you can’t afford to feed yourself properly.

Omg, Dean actually being nervous around a woman is possibly the cutest thing ever. *melts*

Is the producer guy behind the evilness?  
Erm, guess not.

Dean’s been messing with the dialogue? Heh. And he’s still eating the free food. Bless.

And despite getting to play PA, he’s still on the case.

Though he is particularly adorable with the headset.

I’m getting the vibe that Dean is doing it on purpose to get a rise out of Sam who is just uncharacteristically placid, all wrapped up in himself and the case. Dean’s just trying to reach him somehow, and bring him out his fugue.

Dean sure likes his matches.

Ewww! The blood and bits of tissue I could have done without.

Uhm, how can they just hang around in the trailer… in fact I refuse to believe that security is so lax that some random guys can just walk in and start playing PAs. I’m also amused that there is no beer in the fridge, only bottled water, and Dean is not complaining.

Okay so the bad guy was the snubbed scriptwriter. Authorial fantasy fulfilment from the show’s writers??

Blah, blah, shooting things. Spirits get their revenge; predictable.

And Dean gets to bang, if not Lindsey Lohan, then at least this Tara chick. Sam is not amused… Where is the fic where he drags Dean to the next abandoned studio and shows him just how not amused he is?

Liked the ending with the two of them walking of to the fake sunset.

Overall: The plot was very, very average. Jensen got to do some nice one-liners and comedy bits, but apart for his Gilmore Girls face, Jared’s job seemed to be to mope around as introvert!Sam. Nice, light episode with lots of in-jokes most of which I didn’t get but I’m sure horror-movie buffs were salivating.

eurovision, supernatural

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