HP Anon Kink Meme!

Mar 08, 2009 15:55

harry potter anonymous kink meme
which has been adapted to the Twilight Anonymous Kink Memewhich has given spawn to the LOST Anonymous Kink Meme
1. All characters must be at least of consensual age (sixteen!) in order to be written.
2. All genres are welcome! Slash, Het, Femmeslash, Angst, Romance, Humor, ANYTHING. Just make sure it fits the prompt! :)
3. No "seconding" prompts! It doesn't help get anything written, so just write it yourself!
4. When writing a repsonse to a prompt, your MINIMUM is 250 words! We don't want a bunch of teensy drabbles in here!
5. Once you have posted a fic here, please refrain from posting it on your journal, or wherever it is that you post your fics, just to retain the anonymity. I will likely close this meme in a few weeks, at which point everyone should feel free to post away their amazing fics.
6. Please understand what anonymous means, and don't post replies to prompts while you are signed in. I dont' want to have to delete any more stories or prompts because people can't follow the simple rules above. *points upwards*

How this is gonna go down:
a) You anonymously post a [pairing/character, kink, speshul prompt, or whatever]
b) Someone finds your prompt and likes it. then they write it and anonymously post it here, as a reply to your initial prompt comment!
c) Each prompt gets its own comment. [ie, don't post a comment with 2845734289573204 prompts in it, because then it becomes difficult to post written prompts back! Feel free to post as many prompts as you want, just also try to help out and write a few!
d) All kinks are welcome! All kinks are perfectly acceptable, and NO ONE will hate on ANYONE ELSE'S KINK. [or you will be prosecuted]Kinks can range from weak ["Ron/Hermione, hand holding, cuddling"] to the extreme ["Ron/Lupin, bloodplay, kitchentable!sex, violence"]

Update as of 3-22-09: There will be no more prompting allowed. There are a ton of prompts and not nearly as many stories. Feel free to continue writing! I'm going to give this meme another week, and if it doesn't get a lot more activity, I might have to close it down. So come on guys, pimp it out like crazy! To be exact, there are 118 prompts left to fill! If we can get that down to 70, I'll reopen the prompting, and get this meme going like crazy! :D

Update as of 4-2-09: There are approximately 110 prompts left. I am officially closing this meme tomorrow night (Friday, April 3rd, 2009) at midnight. Until then, you are free to pimp and write for this meme. A master list has been created of fics, and I will post a claims post sometime either Friday night or Saturday. That post will be explained there. So please, continue writing! Get all your prompts in before Friday at midnight!

officially closed! master list is posted here!

feel free to continue commenting on the fics! authors, no more need to be anonymous! ;D

anonymous kink meme, fandom: harry potter

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