HP Anon Kink Meme!

Mar 08, 2009 15:55

harry potter anonymous kink meme
which has been adapted to the Twilight Anonymous Kink Memewhich has given spawn to the LOST Anonymous Kink Meme
1. All characters must be at least of consensual age (sixteen!) in order to be written.
2. All genres are welcome! Slash, Het, Femmeslash, Angst, Romance, Humor, ANYTHING. Just make sure it fits the ( Read more... )

anonymous kink meme, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 584

anonymous March 8 2009, 20:33:19 UTC
Sirius/Lupin : woods!sex, maybe involving the Whomping Willow? =) Full moon too, so they have to get one in before Lupin goes werewolf!


anonymous March 8 2009, 20:36:30 UTC
Draco/Ginny. Abduction as Seduction/Aphrodisiacs. Set post-DH, pre-epilogue. :D


anonymous March 8 2009, 20:38:27 UTC
George/Lee: Rough, desperate sex.


gala_apples April 5 2009, 22:09:09 UTC
George knows this is his fault, but he's not prepared to admit it yet. Maybe when Lee's cock isn't in his arse...

Lee is normally a gentle, kind lover. At least that's what it seems like from a bed away, when he listens to Fred and Lee go after it. Not that he's witnessed a lot of people having sex, but it really does seem like Fred and Lee are making love, not fucking. Not that he's witnessed it, only heard it. He doesn't know if they just forget to put up spells, or if whomever casts it is horrible at them. Either way the result is the same, night after night he has to listen to his brother and his best mate have sex.

And it gets so that it's not annoying any more. It gets so that he wants to hear them, is just as upset as Fred is if they have some sort of squabble and don't sleep in the same bed that night.

It gets so that the only way George can get off is listening to them. He doesn't usually picture them in his head, because Fred's his brother, and that's just weird. But he'll picture two other moaning boys, or a moaning boy ( ... )


secretsolitaire April 5 2009, 22:18:05 UTC
Not my prompt, but this is just awesome...


gala_apples April 6 2009, 03:23:59 UTC
thanks! the whole fred/george/lee trio intrigue me, and even though it was just george/lee with rough sex, i just hate the end of dh and couldn't go that way. so instead we get happy GOF era fic! well, as happy as you can be when your brother is going to fucking beat the shit out of you.


anonymous March 8 2009, 20:41:22 UTC
Young!Dumbledore/Grindelwald. Loss of control/Sexual discovery. Set after Dumbledore leaves Hogwarts.


anonymous March 8 2009, 21:59:24 UTC
Hermione/Cho: voyeurism


anonymous March 9 2009, 16:32:21 UTC
A/N: PWP, no attempt has been made to justify any of the following events. unbetaed, typos abound.

"Bloody hell"

Hermione was on her way back from the library when she had heard a bang from a near by classroom.
She had looked up from her latest book loans to see the equally surprised face of Cho.
As one they had turned to the room in question and peeked though the door.

Now they were crowded against each other staring opened mouthed as Harry devoured Dracos mouth while pressing the blond into the teachers desk and ripping his shirt open.

Without a second thought Hermione spotted a supply cupboard, cast silensio on both there shoes and dragged the agog ravanclaw into it
while the boys weren't looking.

Leaving the door slightly ajar, she crouched down to see better and give Cho and unencumbered view.

"what are you doing?!" Cho whispered feverishly ( ... )


anonymous March 9 2009, 16:34:14 UTC
Leaving her hand where it was the girls looked on as Harry pulled back before Draco could orgasm, and while the slytherin cursed and glared in frustration, Harry stood, grabbed Draco by the hips and roughly turned him round ( ... )


anonymous March 9 2009, 20:21:42 UTC
njenfjwe;N ;F

that was hawt. and really, last like for the mother fucking win, i swear.


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