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Comments 57

Three Times ..., Caprica Six, living among humans rayruz October 8 2010, 12:31:59 UTC
Three Times Caprica Six Observed a Child, and One Time She Held OneOne thing fascinated Number Six above all other aspects of human culture. Children ( ... )


Re: Three Times ..., Caprica Six, living among humans imelda72 October 8 2010, 12:49:27 UTC
Haunting! Really excellent ficlet. I liked that she came to "understand" the beauty of children...and still didn't really care.


Re: Three Times ..., Caprica Six, living among humans rayruz October 8 2010, 13:43:51 UTC
Well... it wasn't that she didn't care... it was a mercy killing... that she did it to spare the child death by nuke.


Re: Three Times ..., Caprica Six, living among humans imelda72 October 9 2010, 06:21:23 UTC
I mean that she didn't care she was killing off the entire species! (children included)


The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 9 2010, 22:58:52 UTC
The first time you sold your body for money, you thought it might be okay, and in your mind, you treated it like a date. You’d been with men whom you didn’t love and it had been fun. You enjoyed sex as much as anyone, so you thought that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as they said. To convince yourself, you pulled on lacy panties and a matching bra, bartered for some scented lotion with one of the other women, and you dabbed a tiny bit of perfume behind your ears. You thought, hey it’s the end of the worlds and you might as well use your assets to keep Paya well-fed and safe. And that first time, there was more anticipation than fear as you opened the door with a welcoming smile ( ... )


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Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 10 2010, 01:22:55 UTC
Thank you, Naz. Just when I thought BSG could not get any darker, they brought out the prostitution and child sex rings. The episode was not great, but it did shine a harsh light into the continuing dark side of humanity. I was glad to have an opportunity to explore it.


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] kag523 October 11 2010, 03:51:54 UTC
So powerful and amazing and just so many things that fanfic has a hard time being. This isn't banter and happy pilots and all the things we wish a story could be. It is the dark underside of humanity and so much more real than any other story I've read.

Just... wow. *hugs tight* Amazing. K :>)


korenap October 10 2010, 04:20:50 UTC
Really wonderful. Perfect images for the transition to understanding and how even in the most shocking act of the mini-series was in keeping with the path she eventually took. Great insight into cylon psyche and the twisted judgments that lead to the destruction of the colonies.


Kara, AU, beyond insane in any life, firefight samstareagle October 11 2010, 06:09:00 UTC
Re: Kara, AU, beyond insane in any life, firefight scifishipper October 12 2010, 02:09:37 UTC
Great and vivid action in that fic! I was holding my breath a bit. It's great stuff - please do keep writing. I'd love to read more! Go Kara!!!


Re: Kara, AU, beyond insane in any life, firefight samstareagle October 12 2010, 03:42:45 UTC
Thanks!!! :) I wanted to open with something that would loo like it was going on in the BSG verse with some out of place details and at the end do the reveal that it's not BSG Kara but OurEarth Kara...but of course since it's KARA, no real difference. ;) And like I posted on my LJ, they're sort of "deleted scenes" from my bigger fic idea, and yes, Kara is *a* main character in that one. :)


Re: Kara, AU, beyond insane in any life, firefight callmeonetrack October 24 2010, 01:58:58 UTC
(Please excuse the ridiculous lateness of this comment!)

WHOO. That was such a rush. You write a fantastic action scene, my friend (which is such a challenge!). I was really afraid she was going to be dead and all along I was thinking "wow, imagine if there had been other people on that moon!" but then the surprise ending! (LOVE THE SWEATER DESIGN! HEE.)

So good! <3


For A Daughter (Athena, general in the cylon army) imelda72 October 11 2010, 11:18:25 UTC
She liked her adopted name. Boomer was her sister, a leader, a figurehead for the Eights. As Sharon Valerii, she had boldly and successfully penetrated the only surviving human battlestar, the Galactica. She was a hero and a role model. Now all the Eights had taken her name. She was proud to be called Sharon ( ... )


Re: For A Daughter (Athena, general in the cylon army) callmeonetrack October 24 2010, 02:21:25 UTC
(Please excuse the lateness of this reply!)

What a fascinating look at Sharon's early life. I liked how...slightly cold and detatched it was, which felt very Sharon-like! And I loved the final section. The fact that she never told Dee about her mother. I imagine Sharon knew a lot of things that she didn't tell. Lovely job!


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