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The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 9 2010, 22:58:52 UTC
The first time you sold your body for money, you thought it might be okay, and in your mind, you treated it like a date. You’d been with men whom you didn’t love and it had been fun. You enjoyed sex as much as anyone, so you thought that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as they said. To convince yourself, you pulled on lacy panties and a matching bra, bartered for some scented lotion with one of the other women, and you dabbed a tiny bit of perfume behind your ears. You thought, hey it’s the end of the worlds and you might as well use your assets to keep Paya well-fed and safe. And that first time, there was more anticipation than fear as you opened the door with a welcoming smile ( ... )


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Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 10 2010, 01:22:55 UTC
Thank you, Naz. Just when I thought BSG could not get any darker, they brought out the prostitution and child sex rings. The episode was not great, but it did shine a harsh light into the continuing dark side of humanity. I was glad to have an opportunity to explore it.


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] kag523 October 11 2010, 03:51:54 UTC
So powerful and amazing and just so many things that fanfic has a hard time being. This isn't banter and happy pilots and all the things we wish a story could be. It is the dark underside of humanity and so much more real than any other story I've read.

Just... wow. *hugs tight* Amazing. K :>)


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 11 2010, 03:58:26 UTC
Thank you, sweetie. Unfortunately, BSG gives us a lot of dark material to work with - this in particular a difficult aspect. Thanks for reading!!


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] swamp_ariadne October 13 2010, 04:10:41 UTC
this is absolutely heartbreaking. i'm tearing up as i go, and a part of me wants to shut the laptop because a part of me bleeds as i read. there's only so much darkness that a TV show can explore before it loses its audience to what may seem like self-indulgence, but Black Market captured how bad it had become for the rest of the fleet. the after effects of disaster linger on and on, with so many just left behind and unable to cope. the Black Market is a domestic issue that was never really tackled by Laura's government and was only slightly dealt with by the military. i understand that as a civilization at war, some things get neglected but this... this really brought it home.


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 13 2010, 12:08:57 UTC
Yeah, sadly difficult but needing to be explored. BSG's dark themes are already so dark that I think people have a hard time with this other somewhat ordinary (if I can even say that) dark content. BSG is so overwhelming in its content that I had also shied away from harder things. I'm glad I wrote this. Thanks so much for the comment.


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] coffeesuperhero October 13 2010, 04:49:05 UTC
Ouch. That was a punch in the gut, babe. But well worth the pain. Excellent work, just excellent.



Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 13 2010, 12:09:48 UTC
YAY! Thanks for reading AND BOOKMARKING!! WOW! *HUGS*


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] thegreenkitty October 13 2010, 09:03:16 UTC
I actually liked Black Market for exactly the reasons you mentioned: it shows how, no matter how much things change (even to the point of the end of the worlds), people find change hard and often end up back in the same vicious cycles. I also liked the darkness of bsg. I appreciated the grit and well-written realities. My problem with bsg has always been the OOC moments and poorly cobbled together writing that seemed to dominate S4 and S4.5. Yes, there were poorly done episodes in S1-3, but they were the exception. In S4 and 4.5 they became the norm.

Anyhow, all that to say I appreciate your willingness to explore the darkness and focus on Shevon. It's odd that we see two relatively minor characters in BM with Gianne and Shevon and that people talk about Gianne and her hardships but ignore the (IMO) much worse position that has been forced upon Shevon. Thanks for making her the focus and doing so with your consistent insight and well-written prose.


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 13 2010, 12:12:10 UTC
Yeah, Shevon does get ignored - I think adding prostitution to the horribleness of BSG subject matter was just a little too much to take and it was done in such an offhanded way. Only BSG could make Lee a john and still come out somehow looking good. *shakes head* Crazy writers. It was a subject that deserved a thread throughout the series, but alas, like many oneshots, it was explored then dropped. :(


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] callmeonetrack October 13 2010, 12:16:08 UTC
Dude I'm sorry I am soooooo late in responding to this!

I love the second person here! I think it was such a wise choice! And I love this deeper glimpse into the complicated thought processes of Shevon.

And it's a really believable scenario of how she could've gotten propelled into this life. (I do admit that Lovely Ladies from Les Miz is kind of playing in my head when I read it, but that I blame on Laura Roslin dreaming her dreams. ;)


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 13 2010, 12:33:32 UTC
Hee. Thanks! I think it's the first time I've ever pubbed anything in 2nd person. It's always so awkward for the first sentence or two, then really flows. I'd started this fic a while back when people were discussing BM over at LeeAdama_Daily, but never finished it because I didn't know what to do with it! Thank you Ladies Fic Battle! :)


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Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] scifishipper October 13 2010, 13:42:55 UTC
Thank you sweetie! I'm glad it worked. It's a strange POV to work in. *HUGS*


Re: The First Time [Shevon, R] rdave1 October 13 2010, 14:20:31 UTC
So sad! This story just gives you a whole another perspective on Black Market. We sometimes forget that people will do desperate things for their children. Like Naz said these are some of the after effects of the end of worlds. You forget that these people have nothing left and weak and the desperate will be a taken advantage of because sadly even the destruction of their homeworlds will not change some dirtbags.

Fantastic fic! Great job, bb!


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