PARTY TIME!!!! Come As You're Not 2009

Oct 30, 2009 23:49

Welcome to 4th annual "Come As You're Not" Fanfic Halloween Party.

Here's Pink to Get The Party Started


This year’s festivities see the return of vanillafluffy and her panini maker, so we’ve got sandwiches made with nokkelost as well as other cheeses and cold cuts, not to mention portobello mushrooms and eggplant.

Other catering will be provided by eateries within walking distance of my front door:

Crepes from Ti Couz

Burgers from Urbun Burger

Tapas from Andalu

For your sweet teeth, the Chelsea Drugstore provides both Godiva AND Ghiradelli chocolate of all types from milk to dark, as well as Reeses Pieces, Dark Chocolate M&Ms, Curly Wurly's, Redvines, Jelly Bellys, candy corn, and all the Harvest Mix goodies.

This year, the cute omnisexual bartenders of both genders will be under the supervision of lillithisbitter, as they serving red, red wine, bitters, lime and soda, Jack Daniels, as well as Arcadia Ale Jaw
, by special request from namasteyoga.

Of course, we have enough Diet Coke to keep you guys awake all week. Please note that cold drinks will have Australia Shaped Ice-cubes. Thanks to k_haldane for the trays.

Thanks to an arrangement with the SFPD and several local entrepenuers, the Chelsea Drugstore is happy to provide cherry red soda hallucinogens, amphetamines and opiates as desired.

Brain bleach and Retcon will be available should you feel the need to forget anything you've seen or done.

And now, the reason we're all here: THE COSTUMES

Please post to your own LJ and then comment here with your link and the following information.

Characters or Pairing:
Word Count:
Notes for warnings, spoilers, loving on your Beta, etc.
Why it's a costume:

You're more than welcome and highly encouraged to cross-post to applicable comms, however, I would recommend waiting until Sunday Night/Monday Morning to avoid the weekend vortex.

We've got a week to post and read these fics, although I suspect most will go up in the first 24 hours. BE GENEROUS WITH YOUR COMMENTS. Please comment directly to the writer's LJ, not in the comment chain.

Ladies, gentleman, and anything in-between……..


halloween 2009, come as you're not 2009, come as you're not

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