The PARTY is off to a great start!

Oct 31, 2009 08:53

The police only came by once last night and that was to bring in extra supplies of Diet Coke so we could all stay up reading longer.

About nine hours and so far 16 costumes in 7 different fandoms as well as some original art and poetry.

Again, please be generous with comments and also take the opportunity to READ as you're not, including fandoms you might be unfamiliar with or pairings that generally squick you.

I'm so proud of everybody for the work they've done. There are some AMAZING stories posted, so grab a spot on the sofa, get some munchies (OH MY GOD!!!! POLENTA FRIES!!!!!) and enjoy.

ETA::::The ever so awesome donutsweeper has brought TA DA....DOUGHNUTS!!!! (See first comment below.)

halloween 2009, come as you're not 2009, come as you're not, halloween

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