PARTY TIME!!!! Come As You're Not 2009

Oct 30, 2009 23:49

Welcome to 4th annual "Come As You're Not" Fanfic Halloween Party.

Here's Pink to Get The Party Started


This year’s festivities see the return of vanillafluffy and her panini maker, so we’ve got sandwiches made with nokkelost as well as other cheeses and cold cuts, not to mention portobello mushrooms and eggplant ( Read more... )

halloween 2009, come as you're not 2009, come as you're not

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Comments 62

karaokegal October 31 2009, 07:02:46 UTC
Title: Take These Lies and Make Them True
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 4235
Notes: Written for Come As You're Not-2009. Absolutely spectacular Beta performed by filthgoblin who helped me perform the possible.
Warnings/Spoilers: Mentions character names and alludes to minor plot points in Children of Earth.
Why It's a Costume: My first ever (ahem) full-blown threesome fic. Bonus disguise: Non-whiny Ianto.


mad_jaks November 1 2009, 14:33:51 UTC
I'm totally not ignoring this but- it's too many words for me to read all at once right this instant...

*is tired*


karaokegal November 1 2009, 16:27:37 UTC
Understood. I can't really look at some of the costumes until Monday when I print them out and probably read them.


chocolate_frapp October 31 2009, 07:16:42 UTC
yipeeee, firsties!
(scarfs some Andalu goodies and chocolate and red vino)

Title: It's Time You Got a Life
Fandom: House
Characters: Mostly Chase and my SI, some Cameron, House only shows up near the end
Rating: R if it were a movie, a little cursing and some sex referred to in the dialogue
Word Count: 300 ish?
Summary: Conversation on Xmas Eve between myself and Chase
Notes: Warning, fic contains weird Jeeves and Wooster in joke, variation on joke used in Blackadder, 13 bashing, reference to a really obscure cartoon and a similar Grinch joke made by House which I made up BEFORE "Instant Karma" aired.
Why it's a costume: I don't usually write much about Chase or Cameron. House only shows up briefly in the fic.


lilithisbitter October 31 2009, 07:46:01 UTC
Title: Lilith Draws a Kitten
Fandom: N/A
Characters or Pairing: N/A
Rating: G
Word Count: N/A
Summary: N/A
Why it's a costume: I drew a kitten. I usually draw people and being that I'm finishing up another darkfic chapter, I should have drawn something more fandom related or dark. But I drew a kitten. Because fluff in my fics is usually spread of dark and the fluff becomes less pure. Enjoy your kitten.


filthgoblin October 31 2009, 09:24:01 UTC
Title: Survivalism
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Sylar/Danko
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,278
Summary: There had been many times where he could have killed Danko; something always stopped him.
Warnings: *takes deep breath* Asphyxiation; cutting; beating; other things that are brutally violent. All consensual, but pretty hardcore stuff.
Writer's Notes: Thanks for the superlative beta to karaokegal. Much love to terraswrath for holding my hand and telling me "yes you can" when I wailed "but I can't!" Title taken from a track of the same name by Nine Inch Nails
Why it's a costume: Asyphxiation is one of my biggest squicks. I've never written anything in the Heroes fandom before. I don't think I've ever written anything his unrelentingly brutal before either.

Follow the link to the fic


t_mystery01 October 31 2009, 09:29:37 UTC
Title: Even Though We Have Never Met and I Just Know
Fandom: original poems
Characters or Pairing: none
Rating: General
Word Count: about 230
Summary: Love poems
I wrote the first before we met in person and the second after wards
Why it's a costume: I never post what I write to LJ.
I hardly post any of the original things I write any where because I'm so self critical.
I mostly either BETA or co-write.
These poems were written by me and have only been post on one forum despite me have an LJ and 2 dusty blogs.
So here they are. Do I look pretty?

Hmmm I've never done the link thing before


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