Fandom Meme 2012

Dec 31, 2012 10:57

Ganked from kiss_me_cait23

Your main fandom of the year?As much pain and anger as it caused, I still have to say it was House MD until the wretchedness of the finale finally put an end to any morsel of affection I might have felt for what the show had become (as opposed to what it had once been ( Read more... )

sherlock bbc, house md, bicycle, nick lowe, rachel maddow, elementary, meme, politics, fandom, the good wife, justified, john barrowman

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Comments 18

daasgrrl January 1 2013, 21:50:01 UTC
DEXTER, DO IT. Although I suspect by the tail end (say, after S4-5) you may actually be rolling your eyes because he does end up a bit woobiefied all the same. Yes, I know.


karaokegal January 20 2013, 02:45:52 UTC
I'll see if I can get it past the hubby---or watch on the nights he's not around. Also my plan for The Wire.


blacktapegrrl January 18 2013, 19:18:03 UTC
Yes, watch Dexter. And if you can handle the darkness of that series, may I suggest Breaking Bad (because I would LOVE to see your take on the Walt/Jesse 'ship -- my current OTP)?


karaokegal January 20 2013, 02:47:09 UTC
I'm a little dubious about Breaking Bad. I only got through two episodes of Weeds, and I think the level of violence might be too much.


blacktapegrrl January 21 2013, 18:16:43 UTC
Give it a shot. If anything, just watch the pilot episode. The writing, story arcs, and character development on Breaking Bad are all consistently brilliant. Also, scenery porn. The series creator and head writer Vince Gilligan is a genius. He makes Steven Moffat look like a saint in terms of torturing his characters (poor, poor Jesse Pinkman).


karaokegal January 21 2013, 21:03:22 UTC
We just got a new DVD player with the streaming video hook-up for Netflix, so it will be easier for me to watch stuff that I want to see when Hubby's not around. 1st priority PROBABLY The Wire, but I'll certainly get BB on the list.


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