Fandom Meme 2012

Dec 31, 2012 10:57

Ganked from kiss_me_cait23

Your main fandom of the year?
As much pain and anger as it caused, I still have to say it was House MD until the wretchedness of the finale finally put an end to any morsel of affection I might have felt for what the show had become (as opposed to what it had once been.)

Once that was over, I'd say British Panel Shows...QI, HIGNFY, Buzzcocks, Mock The Week and WILTY. They make me so happy, both in terms of what happens in canon and how much RPF I can imagine going on as well.

Your favorite film watched this year?
Anonymous. Almost everything else I saw on the big screen was big screen popcorn and even when it's entertaining, I find a lot of it demeaning. (Aside from all kinds of awesome little documentaries I see at the Roxie.) It's kind of odd that Sir Derek actually does seem to believe the movie's hypothesis, but DUDE! he's Sir Derek, he can believe whatever he wants.

Your favorite book read this year?
Mostly I read bicycle books this year. My two favorites were the ones by Bike Snob, but ALL of them have in common a lot of good information and at some point a diatribe about THEIR bike philosophy, regarding how much being a cyclist can or can't save the world and how we as cyclists should deal with non-cyclists, especially ones in cars.

The one book I finished that was not bicycle related was Reach for the Top: The Turbulent Life of Laurence Harvey. OH LARRY! This book made me both love AND hate him, and wish he had a bigger following as a gay/bisexual actor who lived a mostly closeted life. Unfortunately he also seems to have been a rather massive prick along the way, and at times an abusive one.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
If it has to be a new album or song...(at least from 2011) Nick Lowe-The Old Magic, but I still like At My Age a little better. Anything Nick does is brilliant and I was bummed that he didn't do a San Francisco concert date when he was here for Hardly Strictly in October.

Your favorite TV show of the year?
In terms of being able to say, THIS is what good, consistent writing, acting, humor, drama, subtext, LACK of fanservice, and making me want more more more, it would have to be Justified.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year? soon as we get through the new discs (being released any second now) I might try reading more fic and then eventually try writing it, although I'm highly intimidated by the style.

ETA: Also how much I enjoy snarky and sexy Bond/WhishQ fic.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
How badly the House MD finale was botched.

The Reichenbach Fall was actually well done, but the woobie-fication of John Watson in both canon and fanon was loathesome and has deeply put me off the fandom, if not the actual show, although I honestly feel they should just leave it there and let the fandom wallow in angst and fix it, because YOU KNOW if/when they ever do come back, Moff it just going to stick it to the fandom even worse.

That neither Bones, NCIS, nor White Collar had anything to keep me interested.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
Alan Cumming, both as Eli Gold AND for the Masterpiece Mystery Intros, especially the ones for Zen, where he seemed to be wearing a Rufus Sewell crush on his sleeve. (And a hearty fuck-you to KQED and any other PBS station, which cuts out the intros in order to show advertisements for some stupid cruise line or to thank more donors.)

Runner up: Barack Obama.

Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
In years past it was always Rachel Maddow, but let's say I wasn't very faithful this year, for various reasons, much of it having to do with the departure of Keith Olbermann. I still miss the throws. A few months ago, I would have said Kalinda Sharma, although every episode Post-Nick appearance has been chipping away at my ability to love her. So right now, I'm giving it to Joan Watson.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Election night. Yes, politics IS a fandom for me.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I miss the House MD and the fandom that existed when it was a genuinely good, smart, intelligently written show that wasn't so fucking full of fanservice that everything I'd ever loved about it became revolting.

I also miss Jools and a Spooks fandom where he was an integral part.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Dexter-I'm fascinated by the premise and would love to see Michael C. Hall not being the woobie I remember from the small about of Six Feet Under that I got through, but everytime I ask Hubby if we can put the discs on our Netflix queue, he asks me (again) what it's about, and the minute I say "the serial killer is the hero" he's like, no way.

The Wire-Similar problem. I actually had the 1st disc of the first season, but could never get hubby to give it a go because of potential DARKDARKDARK. However my Dominic West passion is so strong that I will not be deterred. I'm going to just treat myself to the first season as soon as I get a chance to pick it up from Ameoba or Rasputin. (Hell, I'm still working up the nerve to watch Appropriate Adult.)

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Possibility of John Barrowman doing US tour dates. (Although it's strongly on the order of I'll believe it when I have tickets in hand.

Marathoning The Hour-Series two, as much as I can tonight.

Whatever it takes to end the Nick storyline on Good Wife.

sherlock bbc, house md, bicycle, nick lowe, rachel maddow, elementary, meme, politics, fandom, the good wife, justified, john barrowman

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