Happy Birthday to toddyboi (And some possibly triggering food talk.)

Dec 31, 2012 09:48

It was great seeing you last night at the Mint. There are so few of us old-timers still hanging out, so when you, me, Peggy and chocolate_frapp can all be together, it's a special time.

And on that note...uh chocolate_frapp, I'm sorry I kind of wigged out when you very generously offered me candy. I didn't mean to offend or upset you. I do believe that sugar is a kind of poison for me, or at least an especially addictive and destructive drug, but I shouldn't have been quite so didactic about it and I certainly could have been much more polite.

So naturally I walked into the office this morning...the one where I will be all day in spite of the LAW FIRM I work for being closed, and found a lovely present from one of the admins...a box of Godiva Chocolates.

If I looked good last night, it's because I was wearing the first pair of size 14 slacks that I've gotten back into, although they weren't particularly comfortable. It's a start. Now I need to start using my stability ball and the foam roller that Peggy entrusted me with. Starting tonight.

Other plans for this evening involve a quite stop at the Mint and another attempt at marathoning The Hour-2nd Season. Tomorrow, I'm starting 2013 by getting the flaming tresses touched up.

Hugs and kisses and best wishes for health and well-being to my wonderful, wonderful F-listies!

blog, exercise, food, karaoke, journal

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