[Video] Week 5, Day 3

May 01, 2010 05:08

[Is this thing on?]

[Apparently it is, because suddenly there’s an image of a slim, white-haired boy in his late teens with a scarred face in black and red, military uniform blinking in some surprise at what’s probably a holographic image of himself.] Tim! [A scolding tone at whatever is taking the video.] Warn me first! [Gold feathers flicker ( Read more... )

~turk knife, allen walker, location: raisato, umino iruka, ~shimizu raikou, ~meguro gau

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Comments 26

[VIdeo] smiling_umino May 1 2010, 19:45:17 UTC

[Of course, Iruka greets him brightly, all sunshine and smiles, and he punctuates said greeting with a little wave of his fingers. What a messy and unsteady transmission this is; it makes Iruka wonder if it's some sort of pet, or a companion or something handling the Hitomi. Probably is.

Well, he's seen his fair share of odd people, anyway.

And this young looking man is most intriguing, with his silver hair and marks cutting through the left side of his face and eye.

Of course, he immediately assumes from what Allen is saying that someone has spoken to him already ... perhaps in private. Best to know if he requires anything and all those other pleasantries.]

Welcome! I hope you weren't pulled away from anything important. Please call me Iruka! Have you found a place to stay yet, by the way? I just want to make sure that if anyone has already explained the situation to you, that you were settling down - if that's even possible, at this rate, but oh well~ - all right! And if you required anything of course!


Re: [VIdeo] whitenighting May 1 2010, 21:38:05 UTC
[Oh, shit. There is someone talking ( ... )


[VIdeo] smiling_umino May 2 2010, 04:02:12 UTC
[Now that's odd. Someone spoke to him but didn't tell him anything of substance? Didn't tell him where to find shelter? What utter douchebags! Iruka is not amused with those people, whoever they are.]

Hmmm, well! I and a few others who've arrived in this wonderful place [such sarcasm] currently resides in the village of Hisato! It shouldn't be too far from you are. If you're near the very, very big tree. There are numerous amount of vacant houses that you can choose to stay at. Unless you have preference for a particular climate --

[Oh what the hell.]

-- really, Allen-san, did the person who speak to you not give you any sort of map or ... well, anything?

[Because if they didn't, Iruka can easily send his maps and coordinates to the young man.]


Re: [Video] whitenighting May 2 2010, 13:14:35 UTC
[Allen's not known for his luck or encounters with "douchebags"... or rather he IS - just how amazingly bad and karmic it can be. He mentally grimaces a bit at Iruka's sarcasm - oh, that's just a bit ominious but rather expected.]

Hisato? No, I'm not familiar. [A moment of blinking. Climate preference? What? How permanent was this?]

[That's actually quite sobering. And further unreal.]

[The boy grins a bit sheepishly in response to Iruka's question. Oh, heh. That. Yeah.] When it comes down to it I'm sort of figuring it out as I go along, I guess. [Deflection - don't ask. Seriously though, he really would appreciate any help but won't push a stranger without invitation. He peers a bit curiously at the image of Iruka, though, considering the fact that the man was brought here as well.] How long have you been here then? 


Video tenpa_tantrum May 2 2010, 15:47:43 UTC
[The teenage boy adjusts his tie as the video is starting, making sure it's laying neatly in the neck of his sweater vest. Then he smiles brightly.]

I'm Meguro Gau. It's nice to meet you, Allen-san! I'm only just figuring things out myself, but if you come up with any specific questions, I'll share any information I have.

[A flip of the page in a notebook sitting in his lap, the sound of paper rustling and a brief flash of the page itself as it turns.]

You wouldn't happen to be a ninja, would you?

[His pen is poised, ready to write, bright green like his eyes.]


Re: Video whitenighting May 2 2010, 20:56:02 UTC
[Is he a... wut?]

[Allen takes a while with a bit of a grimace if humoring expression before answering this.] ...No. I'm an exorcist. [He's smiling, but it's a bit strained and sardonic. He doesn't look like a ninja, does he? What does a ninja look like exactly? It's not like he's met one.]

It's nice to meet you. [He's deciding to mostly ignore the ninja comment, perhaps especially because of the very eager look he interprets the boy as having. Allen feels a bit like one being catalogued.] It's good to know I'm not the only one. [The brief, almost quirk of a smile is genuine this time. There is a flicker of worry at the ease the other boy seems at, though.] This place... are people really okay with it? [Allen may have the world's best poker face if he wants to, but in general he's an open book and there's a definite hint of worry and nonarrogant displeasure at the idea ( ... )


Re: Video tenpa_tantrum May 2 2010, 21:11:11 UTC
[An exorcist? Gau doesn't know if it's a joke or not, and his expression says so, brow furrowed and pen still poised above the paper, as if not sure if he should write that down. He finally does, after a few seconds.]

To varying degrees, it seems. I've gotten a lot of warnings about it not being as safe as it seems, and... a lot of people seem to want out of it. But for myself, I'm only interested in learning more about it to make life here easier and more enjoyable, because I found something I had lost, here.

[Suddenly he's smiling again at that.]

You're in a safe place, right? In a village, at least? That doesn't quite mean you're safe, entirely, but it's better than being lost...


Re: Video whitenighting May 2 2010, 21:27:34 UTC
[Allen wonders a bit at what exactly Gau is writing down, but it's not like he can affect it. Privately it makes him sweat a bit about the boy's character, though. Maybe he is being catalogued.]

I can understand that. [The tone is crisp and clear; he's light and okay with this, even if it's not his own choice.] I think it's just... odd to be here, right? [And wrong. Wrong on so many levels. But Allen is empathetic.]

[There's a shrug at the comment on the village, noticeably starting to get used to this video communication thing like he's responding to an actual person. Safety's not something he ever really worries about in terms of himself - no, really.] I guess. It seems really quiet. [Oh right, Capt. Obvious question.] Where are you then? I'm in [there's a pause like he's thinking how to pronounce it] Rai-sa-to. [No, that part doesn't make sense either. He felt tugged here, so here he came.]


[Video] incisive May 2 2010, 22:52:43 UTC
Allen Walker, huh ( ... )


Re: [Video] whitenighting May 3 2010, 01:04:24 UTC
[When he responds, the video seems a bit more stable, though there is still the occasional fidgeting and feather-flicking at the corners. At least it's more centered now on his face like a proper camera ( ... )


[Video] incisive May 3 2010, 17:24:41 UTC
A Turk.

[ This Valeria says as though it is perhaps the simplest, most obvious thing in the world, but without deceptive expectancy in her tone. ]

But unless you're from Gaia, you probably won't recognize the occupation.

[ And that's all she needs to say about that. It's a minor detail to the ignorant and she doesn't quite feel like elaborating, like handing the significance to this young man or anyone else who may be watching. Instead she observes his expression closely, carefully. Catches the pause and the tells. This young man appears to be rather obvious, an easy read. She makes some small attempt not to be unforgivably blunt all the same, her smile still easy and pooling with sincerity even as her eyes dart to briefly to one side, drawn by the view. ]

Forgive me, but your response suggests you aren't familiar with this kind of technology. [ She looks back to him. ] Is that true, Mr. Walker?


[Private Video] whitenighting May 4 2010, 16:47:18 UTC
[There had been some long hesitation before he picked 'private' for the message like he recently learned, but it's more that he's uncomfortable with the idea anyone could see what he's saying. Nothing specific; just a general feeling ( ... )


[Reaction | Private Video] pinktintedgamon May 3 2010, 02:20:27 UTC
[Raikou watches, amused, as the others take turns trying to feel this latest arrival out, asking questions, seeking answers, offering bits of information - all under the guise of a polite welcome.

And more importantly, he can see how this young man deflects the finer details of himself with a practiced hand.

He's careful to sit and hold the Hitomi in such a way so that all that can be seen is the image of a koi pond behind him, bright sunlight warming cerise locks. His smile is seemingly sincere.]

Hello Walker-san. I see you've already met a few of the people from here, though I get the impression none of them are familiar to you...if you are as adverse to sharing personal information as you appear to be, I suggest you ensure your replies are private, or else this device, called a Hitomi, will broadcast everything you say for all and sundry to see.

[A pause and a serene smile.]

My name is Raikou, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you.


[Private Video] whitenighting May 3 2010, 08:35:06 UTC
[Wow, pink hair. Blink.]

[Allen sighs quietly in some agitation at himself at the suggestion - that would be a good thing to do. Ah, this meant Timcanpy was going to be broadcasting everything he did?

... Actually thinking about that for a moment, his face tics briefly in black amusement at the irony. Nope, he was already really used to that and creatively censoring the golem at times.

The response would come sometime later after he spent time figuring the different options. When the video does start it seems cleaner and a bit more controlled, and Allen's smiling in gratitude.]

Heh.. Yes, that's good to know. Thank you. No, there hasn't been anyone familiar yet. [A sober and slightly sad expression at that thought - that's right. So far no sign of anyone he knew. But this person really does seem helpful and sincere and Allen nods brightly in greeting.]

A pleasure to meet you as well, Raikou.


[Private Video] pinktintedgamon May 3 2010, 18:19:54 UTC
Welcome back, Walker-san.

[Another smile as Raikou leans back on a palm, dark eyes warm as he regards the young man.]

Hm...and I see you've been bombarded with questions too...poor thing. So lets play a different game, shall we? Why don't you ask me what questions you have and I'll leave your privacy in tact - I'll not ask any of those interesting questions you've been avoiding answering, Exorcist-san.


[Private Video] whitenighting May 4 2010, 20:55:50 UTC

A nervous smile as the video statics to life. A game? Yes, he had been a bit unnerved at first by that, wondering what it meant.]

... Thank you?

[It is somewhat sincere at least, the tone and somewhat awkward expression. He feels a it pried at, but it's nothing he's note used to coping with.]

I guess... [There's a thoughtful pause even in video; he really is just himself when there isn't reason to be otherwise. And he doesn't know where he would start, he seems distracted as well.] There's an air-ship (yes, he drags that pronunciation out slowly, unfamiliarly) that's going to land her soon. I think.

[Pensive look; cleverly natural grin that almost hides it.]

I'm going to go check that out. Maybe I'll talk to you later?

[Now a true smile and a half-salute caught even by his golem.]

Thank you!


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