01 ★ even if the sky is falling down ★ VIDEO ; week 15, day 4

Dec 04, 2010 19:28

[ The Hitomi displays nothing but greenery for a moment, before a hand - a blue hand with a couple too many fingers - descends over the screen. For a moment, there is nothing visible, and then something like a voice comes out of the Hitomi’s speakers. “Something like” because it isn’t really a “voice,” per se; more like the sense that words with ( Read more... )

elfangor, ~loren, ~marco, ~axmili-esgarrouth-isthill, matt

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Comments 36

[Video][Private] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 01:48:41 UTC
[Oh sweet Jesus above Marco is a completely selfish dick at times, he'll admit that much, but having anyone from the Animorphs here in this nuthouse - nut-dimension? - makes things slightly better. As in, things might get slightly normal.

Of course, this is Ax, so everything will not go downhill per se, but Marco can himself restrain himself from, what, eating opium in Yomisato?

And speaking of opium, how is Marc going to explain Elfangor to Ax? Going to this train of thought, Marco realizes with a horror that he didn't told Elfangor what happened to his own son being trapped in a hawk's body forever.

Marco shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. One thing at a time.]



[Video][Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 02:15:57 UTC
[ The device chimes, and Ax turns all four eyes to it. Finally, someone has contacted him, someone on a private channel -

Marco?! So the others must be here as well! Ax fumbles with the device, briefly, before sending a video of his own. ]

[ Ax has three eyes riveted on the screen; he'd have all four if he wasn't so used to keeping watch with at least one stalk-eye at all times. ]

< Marco. I'm glad to see that you are here and well. Where are Prince Jake and the others? How did we get here? >


[Video][Private] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 02:23:23 UTC
[The smile Marco has dims slightly.]

Ax-man, it's complicated, but no other Animorphs are here except me and you, now. I don't know how we got here, really. The Ellimist haven't contacted me at all when I first arrived here, but that's neither here or there.

[He leans closer to the screen.]

Ax-man, I know this is a weird question and all, but what was the last mission you remember?

[Baby steps, gotta take baby steps.]


[Video][Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 04:09:51 UTC
[ This is strange. How is it that only the two of them are here? And why would Marco ask such a question? Unless - ! - a Sario Rip, perhaps? It would explain a lot of things. ]

< Our last mission was the meatpacking plant. We foiled a Yeerk attempt to scientifically destroy the part of the human brain governing free will, which was a failure in itself anyway.

Marco, does this have something to do with a Sario Rip? I don't remember any such encounter before waking up here, but if we have experienced time fluctuations as well as space, that may not be unusual. >


[video] [1/2] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 02:44:29 UTC
[Déjà vu, except without the morphing this time. Matt wonders if this guy will turn out to be awesomely geeky before realizing--slowly; he's still not sleeping much--that that's about as silly as expecting all humans to be a certain way just 'cause one is. And it would usually be dumb to assume he and Elfangor might know each other just because they're the same species, but they're definitely from the same world, and Kannagara seems to like pulling in people who know each other from any given universe. So Matt sends the new guy a quick message...]

That's gonna be easier if you have a mouth, man. Some people here can't do the telepathy thing.


[Action] [2/2] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 02:45:01 UTC
[...then goes to find Elfangor.]

Hey, you prob'ly wanna see this.


[Action] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 03:20:27 UTC
Hmm? What is it?

[But then he sees that Matt has his Hitomi in hand, so he figures there is probably something on the network worth investigating.

As soon as he finds the video, his heart leaps into his throat.]

That's... That's my little brother!

[He stares at the screen, torn. On the one hand, he is so pleased to see his brother, to have the opportunity to be close to him now. Between their age difference, and him being off at war, they had not exactly seen much of one another. Not until Aximili had been assigned as an aristh to the Dome Ship, Galaxy Tree.

...But on the other hand, this world is full of dangers. Some truly horrendous dangers, that he would not have his brother exposed to, if he could help it.

Even so, he is here now, and the smile quirking at his lips wins out over the worry, for the moment.]


[Action] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 04:09:35 UTC
[Huh. Matt's a little happy for Elfangor, a little jealous of him for having actual family here, and not as surprised as he maybe ought to be. Mostly happy for him, though. After everything awful that's happened lately, especially to him, he deserves something good that doesn't come with crazy, fucked-up, alternate-reality complications attached. Matt smiles a little, catching some of Elfangor's happiness.]

Cool. How old is he? Do you guys get along?

[Matt remains fascinated by the whole idea of siblings, and it occurs to him that Elfangor might not know why.]

Heh, not trying to be nosy, I just. Never knew my family at all.


[Video] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 03:49:02 UTC
( After Matt brings his attention to this.)

[Too excited to even think to demorph, Elfangor presses the video function, smiling brightly.]



[audio] bunzuh December 5 2010, 04:23:20 UTC
[ Who... who is this human man? Does Marco know him? Ax doesn't remember saying his name at all on this post, either initially or in the public comments... upon further investigation, no, he did not. And this man did not just call him "Ax," as the Animorphs do, but "Axmili," the name that the others found difficult to pronounce with human mouthparts.

So who... ?

Ax is still in human morph after replying to the other stranger, so he keys the function back to audio and replies aloud: ]

Who are you? How do you know my name?


[Video] [Private] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 04:37:42 UTC
[And now he is mentally kicking himself for not demorphing first. But... maybe it will be easier this way. After all, it is entirely likely that in Aximili's timeline, he has already died, and it may have been difficult for him to suddenly see his dead brother's face.

Still, there is no point in putting off the inevitable, so he pulls up a secure channel, sets it to record.

And then he demorphs.]

< It is because I have known you all your life, little brother. >


[Video] [Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 06:02:00 UTC
[ Ax drops the device in shock when the man begins morphing. No. No, this can't be possible. Elfangor - his brother - is dead. Isn't he?

But Marco said - he'd said that this place was a dimensional crossroads. That he'd come from a different place in the timeline. And he mentioned specifically that someone may have come from before Ax - he knew, he knows! This is - this has to be - !

Strange. Ax has never been in human morph to experience this particular emotion before. His fingers fumble the channel open once more; his hands have begun to shake. ]


[ His throat is tightening, as if there is something obstructing it. Ax feels his eyes getting hot. ]

Elfangor, I - I can't believe -

[ Human biology is so strange. When Andalites are sad, they cry inside their hearts. Instead, Ax wipes at the excess eye-tears that have begun to flow down his cheeks with his forearm. ]

I am sorry, I am finding it difficult to speak... My throat...and eyes... seem to be malfunctioning.


[Video; Private] heretilmidnight December 5 2010, 06:11:57 UTC
[She is still trying to figure out how this device works, but when she is resting at her camp after meeting Elfangor...

...it's nice to see someone from home. Someone she knows, that she remembers. He was always kind of a mystery to her, but one that she wanted to know, for whatever reason. But now she knew. Aximili. The Andalite that she used to watch, that she used to talk to when she could, was here. And she loved him like family, like she loved anyone else.

So she smiles, laughing softly, and she turns on the video feed. She waves at the device.]

Reading you loud and clear, Aximili.


[Video; Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 06:33:44 UTC
[ Why is it that so many people here seem to know his name? Ax has already spent fifteen Earth minutes in human morph simply speaking to people. ]

How do you know me? I do not belieeeeve I have ever met you. Do you know Marco as well?


[Video; Private] heretilmidnight December 5 2010, 06:42:13 UTC
You don't...

[She blinks a few times. Was he from somewhere else...some time else? She nods softly then, smiling still.]

I do.

I knew you from home. My home. I'm Loren...Tobias's mom.

[It's nothing the Yeerks don't already know, but she doubts that even a skilled Yeerk could impersonate Aximili so perfectly. He was truly one-of-a-kind.]


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