01 ★ even if the sky is falling down ★ VIDEO ; week 15, day 4

Dec 04, 2010 19:28

[ The Hitomi displays nothing but greenery for a moment, before a hand - a blue hand with a couple too many fingers - descends over the screen. For a moment, there is nothing visible, and then something like a voice comes out of the Hitomi’s speakers. “Something like” because it isn’t really a “voice,” per se; more like the sense that words with ( Read more... )

elfangor, ~loren, ~marco, ~axmili-esgarrouth-isthill, matt

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[Video][Private] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 01:48:41 UTC
[Oh sweet Jesus above Marco is a completely selfish dick at times, he'll admit that much, but having anyone from the Animorphs here in this nuthouse - nut-dimension? - makes things slightly better. As in, things might get slightly normal.

Of course, this is Ax, so everything will not go downhill per se, but Marco can himself restrain himself from, what, eating opium in Yomisato?

And speaking of opium, how is Marc going to explain Elfangor to Ax? Going to this train of thought, Marco realizes with a horror that he didn't told Elfangor what happened to his own son being trapped in a hawk's body forever.

Marco shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. One thing at a time.]



[Video][Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 02:15:57 UTC
[ The device chimes, and Ax turns all four eyes to it. Finally, someone has contacted him, someone on a private channel -

Marco?! So the others must be here as well! Ax fumbles with the device, briefly, before sending a video of his own. ]

[ Ax has three eyes riveted on the screen; he'd have all four if he wasn't so used to keeping watch with at least one stalk-eye at all times. ]

< Marco. I'm glad to see that you are here and well. Where are Prince Jake and the others? How did we get here? >


[Video][Private] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 02:23:23 UTC
[The smile Marco has dims slightly.]

Ax-man, it's complicated, but no other Animorphs are here except me and you, now. I don't know how we got here, really. The Ellimist haven't contacted me at all when I first arrived here, but that's neither here or there.

[He leans closer to the screen.]

Ax-man, I know this is a weird question and all, but what was the last mission you remember?

[Baby steps, gotta take baby steps.]


[Video][Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 04:09:51 UTC
[ This is strange. How is it that only the two of them are here? And why would Marco ask such a question? Unless - ! - a Sario Rip, perhaps? It would explain a lot of things. ]

< Our last mission was the meatpacking plant. We foiled a Yeerk attempt to scientifically destroy the part of the human brain governing free will, which was a failure in itself anyway.

Marco, does this have something to do with a Sario Rip? I don't remember any such encounter before waking up here, but if we have experienced time fluctuations as well as space, that may not be unusual. >


[Video][Private] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 04:17:10 UTC
[Oh, man, Ax is like, way before Marco. He doesn't know if this a good thing or a bad thing. It was easier with Elfangor . . . ]

No, dude, it's . . . picture this place this as a crossroads, and each road is like an alternate reality or dimension or whatever. You and me come from a reality where Yeerk threat is real, but in another one, Yeerks don't, but are dragons instead.

Time also doesn't matter here because, uh, I remember a lot of things past that mission.

But, you know, this means that people from home can come before you as well. Like, before the meatpacking plant mission.


[Video][Private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 04:59:02 UTC
< I see... It sounds like something the Ellimist would do. Is that how we got here? Do you know? >

[ Ax stomps the ground nervously and twitches his tail, thinking. ]

< So you have come from a point in the timeline after I was taken. I see. How far? Have we been successful in fighting the Yeerks? > [ Ax is afraid to ask if any of them have been hurt. Or killed. It happens in war, he knows. ]


[Video][Private] [1/2] guerrilla_morph December 5 2010, 05:16:36 UTC
I don't know, Ax-man. Ellimist haven't contacted me at all, and every once in a while the ones responsible for taking us here - these so-called "gods" of Kannagara, that's what this place is called - would make a message on the network. Nothing much after that.

[Marco pauses in the question - he can see the implication in the unsaid question.]

No one died. [Yet anyway. Marco wonders if he should mention the other Andalites, like Estrid. He decides to refrain on it . . . for now, anyway.]

I guess it's pretty much same old, same old except Visser One was slated for execution. We killed the Yeerk but got my Mom out of there. My dad developed some technology the Yeerks wanted, so we took him and me into hiding.

I was with the free Hork-Bajir when I first arrived here.


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