01 ★ even if the sky is falling down ★ VIDEO ; week 15, day 4

Dec 04, 2010 19:28

[ The Hitomi displays nothing but greenery for a moment, before a hand - a blue hand with a couple too many fingers - descends over the screen. For a moment, there is nothing visible, and then something like a voice comes out of the Hitomi’s speakers. “Something like” because it isn’t really a “voice,” per se; more like the sense that words with ( Read more... )

elfangor, ~loren, ~marco, ~axmili-esgarrouth-isthill, matt

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[video] [1/2] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 02:44:29 UTC
[Déjà vu, except without the morphing this time. Matt wonders if this guy will turn out to be awesomely geeky before realizing--slowly; he's still not sleeping much--that that's about as silly as expecting all humans to be a certain way just 'cause one is. And it would usually be dumb to assume he and Elfangor might know each other just because they're the same species, but they're definitely from the same world, and Kannagara seems to like pulling in people who know each other from any given universe. So Matt sends the new guy a quick message...]

That's gonna be easier if you have a mouth, man. Some people here can't do the telepathy thing.


[Action] [2/2] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 02:45:01 UTC
[...then goes to find Elfangor.]

Hey, you prob'ly wanna see this.


[Action] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 03:20:27 UTC
Hmm? What is it?

[But then he sees that Matt has his Hitomi in hand, so he figures there is probably something on the network worth investigating.

As soon as he finds the video, his heart leaps into his throat.]

That's... That's my little brother!

[He stares at the screen, torn. On the one hand, he is so pleased to see his brother, to have the opportunity to be close to him now. Between their age difference, and him being off at war, they had not exactly seen much of one another. Not until Aximili had been assigned as an aristh to the Dome Ship, Galaxy Tree.

...But on the other hand, this world is full of dangers. Some truly horrendous dangers, that he would not have his brother exposed to, if he could help it.

Even so, he is here now, and the smile quirking at his lips wins out over the worry, for the moment.]


[Action] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 04:09:35 UTC
[Huh. Matt's a little happy for Elfangor, a little jealous of him for having actual family here, and not as surprised as he maybe ought to be. Mostly happy for him, though. After everything awful that's happened lately, especially to him, he deserves something good that doesn't come with crazy, fucked-up, alternate-reality complications attached. Matt smiles a little, catching some of Elfangor's happiness.]

Cool. How old is he? Do you guys get along?

[Matt remains fascinated by the whole idea of siblings, and it occurs to him that Elfangor might not know why.]

Heh, not trying to be nosy, I just. Never knew my family at all.


[Action] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 05:16:37 UTC
We are actually not very close in age--he is, hmm, roughly the human equivalent of thirteen? I am uncertain as to the conversion rate between Andalite and human developmental years, but he was in early adolescence the last time I saw him, and he appears only slightly older now.

[He smiles fondly. He knew, at one level, that Aximili would have had to survive the Dome Ship's crash into Earth's atmosphere, after what the Ellimist had allowed him to see, but now--it reaffirms something in him. He'd always been so uncertain, unintentionally leaving Loren and Tobias behind, even if it was for their protection. But his little brother also would not have existed, had he not. Seeing him now... It makes his heart feel lighter, somehow.]

We do get along, but... I was away at war for most of his life, so we are perhaps not as close as many siblings may be.

[He offers a slight smile, though it does not quite reach his eyes.] I do understand about not really knowing your family, though.

[He remembers those words he had written so long ago. My ( ... )


[Action] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 05:34:22 UTC
[Matt remembers the dream with Loren and Tobias, and seeing it before he really knew Elfangor, and it's not too hard to guess where his thoughts might've gone.]

Maybe it's actually harder if you know them a little.

[He'd lean over, bump Elfangor's shoulder with his own in a reassuring sort of way, except that he feels awkward, and he's not sure why. Oh, right. Could it be the intruding on a family reunion, Matt?]

Like, you know what you're missing. I don't.

[He shrugs.] I'll... just be getting outta your hair.


[Action] hirac_utzum December 5 2010, 21:02:48 UTC
I don't imagine not knowing them at all makes it any less difficult. You are still aware there is something missing that should have been there.

[At this, he does reach out to Matt, gives his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.]

There's no need for you to go anywhere. I appreciate that you wish to give me some privacy in this, but really... [Elfangor trails off, frowning. Perhaps Aximili would prefer some degree of privacy, but he feels quite baffled that Matt would think that he would require him to leave him alone for this conversation.] It's not necessary.

Besides. [He darts a glance off to the side.] I would like to see my brother, but I am not entirely sure that I am up to... going anywhere else today. So I may ask him to visit me here. If that is all right? [It is Matt's home, after all.]


[Action] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 23:44:11 UTC
[Matt looks down, pleased and embarrassed, knowing his cheeks have flushed--why? why does he always blush like some huge dork? After a moment, he looks up at Elfangor and nods. Maybe sometime he'll tell him more about the House and all that. Just not now.]

Of course he can come over. Heh, I hope he's not too freaked out.

[Because a brother you haven't seen in forever, a vampire, and a geek who shouldn't be able to morph are kind of a lot to deal with on top of having just been dragged out of your world.

He looks at the floor again. This makes kind of a lot for Elfangor to deal with today, too, doesn't it?]

Are you doing okay?


[Action] hirac_utzum December 6 2010, 00:58:31 UTC
[Is he? He isn't sure. The days have begun to blur together recently, to such an extent that he is not even sure if he's been sleeping regularly, let alone keeping a close enough eye on Matt's sleep patterns, though he suspects he still isn't sleeping well either.]

I am about as well as could be expected. [The attempt at humor falls flat.] But... things will get better.

[Because the alternative is not acceptable.]


[Action] mightstealyrcar December 6 2010, 02:09:36 UTC
They will. I know it.

[Just like with Tree-Hugging Guy, it's way easier to say than to believe, at least for himself. Matt thinks he's holding it together pretty well, though. He has to, to keep everyone from worrying any more. He gives Elfangor a little nudge with his shoulder, and barely blushes at all.]


[audio] bunzuh December 5 2010, 04:16:32 UTC
[ Ax freezes. He realizes now that he neglected to make sure this broadcasting device translated thought-speech to aural/language frequencies (foolish! He may have given himself away with this single broadcast!), and whoever this human is, he has noticed it. Ax disables video for his reply and, after a moment's thought, morphs human in order to use speech. ]

I do not understand what you are referring (refer. ring.) to. [ Oh no, he couldn't stop himself from repeating that word. Maybe the other boy will think of it as a verbal tic. ] What would make you think I do not have a mouth? How would I otherwise communicate?


[video] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 04:31:02 UTC
[Matt looks a little spaced-out for a second, trying to decide if he should mention he knows this kid's brother. Probably a big old no, he concludes. That's Elfangor's to tell.]

Well, you were sending video before. And people come from all kinds of crazy worlds here.

[He's biting his tongue to keep from fessing up that he can morph, too. He doesn't intend to ever do it again.]


[video] bunzuh December 5 2010, 05:04:14 UTC
[ Right. His hand. That would look suspicious to a human. Ax decides to risk showing himself in human morph to quell suspicion. ]

You must have been mistaken. 'Staken. I am a very typical human. I have no physical deformities. It must have been a malfunction of the visual broadcast. [ He shows the other boy his ten pink, healthy human fingers. ]


[video | private] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 05:16:18 UTC
[Nice try, dude, but I've touched an Andalite's hand before; oh, god, Matt's not going to say that. He's also not going to point out that this guy seems a little too fascinated by the noises he can make using a mouth to be convincing as someone who's always had one. He switches it to private in hopes of reassuring the kid it's okay to talk.]

Look, I know someone from your home. Marco? You know him, by any chance?


[video | private] bunzuh December 5 2010, 06:14:05 UTC
I do know Marco.

[ If this boy knows Marco, it is possible that he also knows about Andalites, and if Marco trusted him enough to tell him about Andalites, it is reasonably safe to assume this boy is not a Yeerk. ]

I take it you are trying-ing-ing to tell me that you suspect me to be more than I seem.


[video | private] mightstealyrcar December 5 2010, 06:30:59 UTC
[Matt manages not to laugh, or even crack a smile, but it's hard. Now that he's noticed how the kid is so into talking, he can't really stop. Imagine not being able to smoke... fuck, he's spacing out again, and he shakes himself mentally.]

Heh, I know you're more. I know about morphing. It's not the craziest thing people can do here.


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