Bechdel test - ST:TNG (4x05 - 4x06)

Jun 04, 2009 19:33

I'm off to Zambia tomorrow. I should have internet access while there, but I'm going to be super-busy so I don't know if I'll have opportunity to post! I'm one of the official bloggers of the event, so when I get back I'll cross-post here, as appropriate.

Anyway, before I go, 4x05 - 4x06:

4x05 Remember Me )

gender, bechdel test, star trek

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Comments 12

alicamel June 4 2009, 20:24:02 UTC
I'm really enjoying these posts. I always wondered how often Troi and Crusher talk to each other without talking about men. And I'm now curious about how Voyager and DS9 would do!


kangeiko June 4 2009, 20:39:54 UTC
I'm so glad you're enjoying them, I'm having a great time with this!

And I'm now curious about how Voyager and DS9 would do!

I'm sorta hand-writing DSN as I watch episodes here and there - I'm watching it with queenspanky, who is new to it - and should have some comparisons with TNG up once I get back. It's fascinating, admittedly the stuff I've been writing the stats for is mainly S4 episodes, but nearly all eps blow the race-Bechdel out of the water. I've noticed that TNG is suffering from the 'everyone talks to Picard, Riker and Data' syndrome, where most dialogue is directed at the most senior person in the room, who tends to be one of those 3. DSN has this as well, but the most senior people tend to be POC or women, which helps. I'm guessing that VOY would also score similarly highly... I don't suppose you'd fancy running it through its paces? *grin*


alicamel June 4 2009, 20:57:28 UTC
Oh, I look forward to the DS9 ones! Yes, the whole talking to the senior people thin is interesting. I might give Voyager a go, actually, I've just put it all on disks, but I haven't actually deleted the episodes off my computer... hmmm. I was just wondering how well it would do at the race test, but then I remembered that Chakotay is Native American. *facepalm*


kangeiko June 4 2009, 21:05:08 UTC
I was just wondering how well it would do at the race test, but then I remembered that Chakotay is Native American. *facepalm*

Hee! Even though the actor is actually hispanic... I suppose it still counts. *g* And we have Harry and Tuvok as well. Come to think of it, Paris, the Doctor and Neelix would be the only white males who regularly get lines...


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