Bechdel test - ST:TNG (4x05 - 4x06)

Jun 04, 2009 19:33

I'm off to Zambia tomorrow. I should have internet access while there, but I'm going to be super-busy so I don't know if I'll have opportunity to post! I'm one of the official bloggers of the event, so when I get back I'll cross-post here, as appropriate.

Anyway, before I go, 4x05 - 4x06:

4x05 Remember Me

Where if there's nothing wrong with Beverly, there must be something wrong with the universe.

Speaking parts:
1. Dr Crusher
2. Dr Dailan Quace, white male
3. O'Brien
4. Geordi
5. Wes Crusher
6. Riker
7. Worf
8. Data
9. Picard
10. Troi
11. The Traveller

- number of speaking parts: 11
- number of women speaking: 2 (18.2%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 2 (18.2%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 0 (0%)
- Bechdel pass? Yes, on all three counts. Beverley discusses her mental state with Troi after she starts to suspect that she's going mad.
- race-Bechdel pass? No, the two COC do not speak to each other (fail # 2).


4x06 Legacy

Where Tasha's sister turns up.

1. Worf
2. Riker
3. Troi
4. Data
5. Picard
6. unnamed male hispanic engineer
7. O'Brien
8. Dr Crusher
9. unnamed black male rebel (coalition)
10. unnamed white male rebel (coalition)
11. Ishara Yar
12. Geordi
13. unnamed black male rebel (alliance)
14. unnamed white female rebel (alliance)

- number of speaking parts: 14
- number of women speaking: 4 (28.6%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 5 (35.7%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 0 (0%)
- Bechdel pass? Yes, on all three counts. Ishara and Dr Crusher discuss DNA, and later Dr Crusher heals Ishara.
- race-Bechdel pass? Yes. Worf needs a diversion, and Gerodi provides... grenades. I wondered if this should be marginal, but decided to allow it in the end.


gender, bechdel test, star trek

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