Bechdel: ST: TNG (4 x01 - 4x04)

Jun 01, 2009 23:11

I'm starting with S4 of TNG, just because that's what I had in the DVD player.

4x01 Best of Both Worlds II

It seems strange to start in the middle of a two-parter, but anyway. I'd forgotten how awesome Shelby is!

Speaking parts (roughly in order of speaking):
1. Geordi
2. Worf
3. Shelby
4. Riker
5. Picard/Locutus
6. Admiral Hanson, white male
7. Dr Crusher
8. Data
9. Deanna Troi
10. Guinan
11. Wesley Crusher
12. Mr Gleeson, white male
13. O'Brien
14. nameless white male

- number of speaking parts: 14
- number of women speaking: 4 (28.6%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 3 (21.4%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 1 (7.1%)
- Bechdel pass? Yes, on all three counts, albeit MARGINAL PASS. Dr Crusher proposes nanites during a briefing, and Troi comments on the length of time it would take to deploy them.
- race-Bechdel pass? No, the three COC do not speak to each other (fail # 2). Although, there is an almost marginal pass - Geordi asks Worf for help, and Worf nods. I decided not to allow it.


4x02 Family

Where everyone visits their relatives.

Speaking parts:
1. J-L Picard
2. Riker
3. Worf
4. Troi
5. O'Brien
6. nameless woman (voice communication only, no visual)
7. Elena Roshenko
8. Sergej Roshenko
9. Rene Picard
10. Marie Picard
11. Robert Picard
12. Dr Crusher
13. Geordi
14. Lewis, white male
15. Guinan
16. Wesley Crusher
17. Jack Crusher

- number of speaking parts: 17
- number of women speaking: 6 (35.3%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 3 (17.6%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 1 (5.9%)
- Bechdel pass? Yes, on all three counts, albeit MARGINAL PASS on #3. Dr Crusher and Troi make small talk re: holiday plans before Jack Crusher's old stuff arrives and they start examining it and discussing him.
- race-Bechdel pass? Yes, MARGINAL PASS. Worf is showing his parents around, and they're in engineering. He says that they've taken up enough of Geordi's time, but Geordi is happy to have them stay.


4x03 Brothers

This is a Data & Lore episode, so it's no wonder that the stats are so low. Nice continuity with the emotion chip, though. I've counted Lore and Dr Soong as separate characters, although I suppose they can be counted as 1 as Brent Spiner plays all three parts.

Speaking parts:
1. Picard
2. Riker
3. Jake Potts, young white male
4. Troi
5. Data
6. Geordi
7. Worf
8. Wes Crusher
9. nameless ensign, white male
10. O'Brien
11. Dr Crusher
12. Willie Potts, young white male
13. Dr Noonian Soong
14. Lore

- number of speaking parts: 14
- number of women speaking: 2 (14.3%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 2 (14.3%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 0 (0%)
- Bechdel pass? No, failed on #2 - the two women don't talk to each other.
- race-Bechdel pass? No, failed on 2 - the two POC don't talk to each other.


4x04 Sudden Human

A Picard-centric episode, where he bonds with a young boy in a vaguely father-like way. There's little for anyone else to do.

Speaking parts:
1. Picard
2. Worf
3. Riker
4. Data
5. Wes Crusher
6. Troi
7. Dr Crusher
8. nameless female white medic
9. Jeremiah Rosa/Jono
10. Captain Endarr
11. Admiral Rosa, white female
12. nameless female white medic #2

- number of speaking parts: 12
- number of women speaking: 5 (41.7%)
- number of characters of colour speaking: 1 (8.3%)
- number of women of colour speaking: 0 (0%)
- Bechdel pass? Yes, full pass - Dr Crusher and Troi discuss the keening children, and later discuss Jeremiah (as a patient, hence allowing it). Also, Dr Crusher talks to her medics throughout.
- race-Bechdel pass? No, failed on 1 - only one POC.

gender, bechdel test, star trek

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