Constantly Updating "Covering My Ass" Post

Oct 23, 2007 13:39

It's a standard practice among fanfiction writers to have disclaimers before each of their stories.  Your basic, you know, "I don't own these characters, they belong to so and so, I just like to poke them with a stick and see if they giggle."

JK Rowling has a LOT of characters.  In After The Flaw, I have a lot of original characters, with more to come.  Making a list of every owned and not owned character is becoming a hassle as I write each chapter, and as my font of OC's continues to grow.

So...   I'm building a new post, which will be linked to each chapter where an OC appears, and will be expanded as more make their arrival.

It's the covering my own ass post.

So here we go:

The characters listed below are of my own creation.  Many are influenced by the work of JK Rowling.  Others share blood with Rowling's characters.  Others still exist unnamed in the Harry Potter series, and I have given them full names and backgrounds for the sake of my personal canon.

Anyone who is not on this list belongs to JK Rowling.  Everyone who IS on this list owes their very existence to her instead.

After the Flaw: Oligarchy OCs listed here


Hermione Granger-Weasley's family

Geoffrey Banks
Christopher Granger
Daniel & Charlotte Granger (mentioned by surname in CoS-DH)
Gavin Granger
Edith Granger
Hermione Caroline Wilkins-Granger (second daughter of Daniel & Charlotte Granger)
Theresa Granger
Elizabeth Wainwright
Gretchen Wainwright
Helen Wainwright

Weasley family

Rose Prewett (Molly Weasley's mother, never named in series)
Fabian Weasley (Son of Percy Weasley & Penelope Clearwater-Weasley; first name taken from Molly's brother)
Gideon Weasley (Son of Percy Weasley & Penelope Clearwater-Weasley; first name taken from Molly's brother)
Matilda Weasley (Bill & Fleur Weasley's second daughter)

Hogwarts Professors (current and former)

Albert Alcahest
Jana Allentide
Evelyn Bateman
Kinnell Bosh
Uriela Clavis-Longbottom
Kelly Skryer
Calamus Squall
Professor Sigma (former Hogwarts headmaster, now in portrait form)

Teddy Lupin's Gryffindors

Jennifer Devereau
Edmund Lemming
Carla Meece
Jack Pearson
Gavin Sorter

Victoire Weasley's Gryffindors

Theresa Daulby
Sarah Harvey
Christine Hogan
Chelsea Lemming
Aaron Mills
Nathaniel Smith (nephew of Zacharias Smith)
Sam Welts

James Potter Jr's Gryffindors

Nicholas Hopkirk
Chase Quentin
Nancy Sprague

Other Hogwarts Students

Riley Flint (Marcus Flint's son)
Patrick Gains
Freddy Hogan
Jacob Jennett
Craig Scheeman
Lucia Vane (Romilda Vane's sister)

Holyhead Harpies

Tabitha Connolly
Phoebe Craig
Anwyn Llewelyn
Mali Pritchard

Vratsa Vultures

Violeta Dimova
Atanas Gatchevski
Todor Petrov
Hristo Rangelov
Assen Volkov (last name mentioned in GoF)
Emil Vulchanov (last name mentioned in GoF)

Wenlock Investments (Ten Years Later)

Gregory Gallen
Terrence O'Malley
Mr. Smithwick


Artemisia (Ron & Hermione Weasley's, named from JK Rowling's witch)
Conifer (Neville Longbottom's)
Gulliver Pokeby (Luna Lovegood's, named from JK Rowling's wizard)
Horus (Rose Weasley's)
Jareth (Teddy Lupin's, named from the character in Labyrinth)
Maximillian (Harry and Ginny Potter's)


Mackenzie Cairill (Ministry-assigned Metamorph instructor)
Ellen Cullen (Wife of Patrick Cullen)
Meghan Cullen (Daughter of Patrick Cullen)
Patrick Cullen (New alias of Rowling's Dennis Creevey)
Verity DeVine-Weasley (First name mentioned in HBP)
Evan Dursley (Son of Dudley Dursley & Susan Bones-Dursley)
Carlean Foote (Muggle Liaison)
Hedda Gibbon-Malfoy (wife of Draco Malfoy, daughter of Death Eater Gibbon)
Gshlk (mentioned without name in GoF)
Kayla Macmillan (Daughter of Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott-Macmillan)
Milinka (Luna Lovegood's girlfriend in the Congo)
Danielle Wheeler (HC Granger's roommate)
Whiskers (Kayla Macmillan's cat)
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