After the Flaw: Oligarchy OC Database

Mar 22, 2009 14:09

Since AtF: Oligarchy is introducing a ton of new characters, and the original OC Database is growing a bit thick as it is, I'm starting a separate database for the new series.

This database ONLY lists characters introduced in After the Flaw: Oligarchy.  All characters introduced in the original series are listed here.  It will also be updated on a per-chapter basis.

As of Chapter 36: The Next

Circle of Thirteen

Altheda (Mask of Sydney)
Ammit (Mask of Cairo)
Atrytone (Mask of Athens)
Dola (Mask of Kiev)
Enki (Mask of Baghdad)
Gungir (Mask of Trondheim)
Kitsune (Mask of Osaka)
Manbo (Mask of New Orleans)
Prospero (Mask of London)
Quipu (Mask of Lima)
Sangoma (Mask of Harare)
Ya-o-Gah (Mask of Quebec)
Yama (Mask of Delhi)

Hogwarts Staff

Bjorn Forseti (DADA Professor)
Andrew Reyburn (Muggle Studies Professor)
Mia Hahnemann (Nurse)
"Junior" ("Son" of Kreacher the House Elf)
Cyril Penates (Caretaker)
Ethel Dobb (Librarian)


Melody Callahan (5th)
Trevor Davies (1st)
Stephen Dean (4th, Chaser)
Lauren Fuller (4th, Keeper)
Clark Hodgson (7th, Chaser, Captain)
Catherine Law (1st)
Alexandra Mallon (4th, Chaser)
Hermione Maynard (1st)
Ron Maynard (1st)
Amanda Rayne (6th, Seeker)
John Worple (1st)
Shannon Young (1st)


Drystan Bunker (1st)
Jessica Dawson (1st)
Marion Lowman (4th, commentator)
Harry Norley (1st)
Scarlett Scamander (1st)
Gopal Singh (1st)
Su Li (1st)
Ella Todd (1st)
Hermione Toots (1st)
Aiden Towler (1st)


Rachel Anderson (1st)
Ayan Asad (1st)
Selena Buggs (1st)
Kyle Hopkirk (1st)
Andrea Newton (1st)
Bridget Niko (5th, prefect)
Tom Roberts (1st)
Sean Wedgwood (5th, prefect)


Maxen Borgin (1st)

Vaughn Borgin (1st)
Regina Byrne (1st)
Galatea Davis (5th, prefect)
Stacy Fleetwood (1st)
Kimberly Green (5th)
Gabriel Goyle (3rd)
Holden Harkiss (3rd)
Diana Harper (1st)
Arnold King (3rd)
Pamela Long (4th, Keeper)
Tilly Loxias (1st)
Xavier MacDougal (7th)
Harry McManus (1st)
Michael Monroe (1st)
Tarren Orlo (5th, Beater)
Dave Piper (7th, Prefect, Chaser)
Wendell Redmond (5th, Beater)
Alan Runcorn (5th)
Lycoris Selwyn (1st)
Arwen Swindell (6th, Seeker)
Olivia Thurston (3rd, daughter of Weird Sister Orsino Thurston)
Robin Tuesday (5th)


Ellie Adams (Londoner)
Mike Alberts (BBC newsreader)
Benjamin Allen (RAF Flight Lieutenant)
Richard Byrne (BBC newsreader)
France Clancy (Jimmy Porter voice talent)
Veronica Duke (movie actress)
Richard Fallon (Colonel, UK Special Forces)
Taylor Jacobs (OmegaCon vice-chair)
Jane (BBC producer)
Lewis Jones (Tempest cast)
Janet Miller (Londoner)
Alex Montag (Lieutenant, British Army)
Frank Patton (BBC reporter)
David Perkins (RAF Flight Lieutenant)
Simon Tanaka (Jimmy Porter designer)
Amy Thompson (Tempest cast)
Genevieve Thompson (Jimmy Porter voice talent)
"Tsunami" (Jimmy Porter writer)
Joshua Ziegler (RAF Flight Lieutenant)

Ministry Officials

Carlean Foote (Muggle Liaison)
Margaret (Minister Shacklebolt's assistant)
Dewey Nielsen (International Magical Cooperation)
Felicia Stanz (Assistant to Rolf Scamander)


Bongo (Zabini house elf)
Healer Cruz (Oligarchy Healer)
"Darkness Man" (Oligarchy henchman & Stymphalian trainer)
Dominik (member of Luna Lovegood's expedition)
Gustav (member of Luna Lovegood's expedition)
Europa Lovegood (Luna Lovegood's mother)
Jason Madsen (former Protected, member of Oligarchy)
Katherine Millen (St. Mungo's Healer)
Samantha Rollins (Oligarchy "student")
Hespera Zabini (Blaise Zabini's mother)

potter, atf2, aftertheflaw

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