React-o-matic: SPN 5.1

Sep 16, 2009 15:47

New episode tomorrow, so I wanted to get my brief thoughts posted before everyone's completely forgotten last week's ep. Obviously, I don't have a lot of time or brain power to spare these days, but these are the reactions I can still remember having last Friday:

Snip! )


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Comments 12

tahirire September 16 2009, 23:35:30 UTC
When you said,

Just wondering what was up with that. You're still what my Patronus would look like if I could cast one, though.


Although I would argue that Bobby hasn't been very trouble-free since Sammy died. :(

As for the rest - LOL. Yep, that. ;)


kalquessa September 17 2009, 03:29:24 UTC
My Patronus is totally Bobby Singer. Unless it's a '67 Chevy Impala, which is also possible. *grin*


maychorian September 17 2009, 00:33:56 UTC
I love your icon forever and ALWAYS.

And yeah, this premiere did feel a little herky-jerky. Not as coherent as the last two.


feliciakw September 17 2009, 00:41:55 UTC
Precisely. Thank you. :-)


kalquessa September 17 2009, 03:16:20 UTC
Which is sort of sad, since this premier follows the least awesome of the finales. *sigh* But still, I feel like it went in a promising direction.


feliciakw September 17 2009, 00:39:06 UTC
The way I figure it, after 40 years in Hell, a plane ride ain't nuthin' for Dean.

Unless the plane is goin' down. Then it's a problem.

Given your conversation with Show, it would appear that Show is attempting to distract you from the bzuh? with the shiny.

Wish snugly baby was not a continent away.


kalquessa September 17 2009, 03:30:20 UTC
Good point re. Hell vs. airplanes.

Yes, Show is totally trying to be all distracty and not really succeeding.


sarcasticval September 17 2009, 03:50:13 UTC
ME: Wait, no time spent rhapsodizing on Dean's airplane angst? I know some people who are going to be disappointed.



kalquessa September 17 2009, 16:58:05 UTC
Yeah, I definitely had you in mind at that moment.


thomas_a_kempis September 18 2009, 20:40:08 UTC
Dum-da-dum-dum...will Sam really disappear into that good night and leave Dean to go it alone?


kalquessa September 18 2009, 20:50:10 UTC
Ha, sounds like you caught last night's episode! I haven't seen it, yet, since the network STILL hasn't put it online. *pouts* I do know a few of my favorite recurring characters are in it. though. I'm looking forward to watching Ellen smack the boys around.


thomas_a_kempis September 18 2009, 23:17:36 UTC
That should be fun :)


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