React-o-matic: SPN 5.1

Sep 16, 2009 15:47

New episode tomorrow, so I wanted to get my brief thoughts posted before everyone's completely forgotten last week's ep. Obviously, I don't have a lot of time or brain power to spare these days, but these are the reactions I can still remember having last Friday:

Dear Boys:

I didn't realize how much I missed you until you came back! *glomp* Am so looking forward to this new season, which will be chock full of smiling and hugging, right? Right, guys?




Dear Bobby:

Okay, you're still made of awesome, but. Um. How on earth do you explain getting yourself possessed? Aren't you the guy who gave the boys their original anti-possession amulets back in Season 2? Aren't you kind of an expert on everything evil and scary with a special concentration in demons since your wife's possession and subsequent death is what got you into hunting? Aren't you the least troubled character on the show and so the least vulnerable to possession? Do you even watch this show at all?

Just wondering what was up with that. You're still what my Patronus would look like if I could cast one, though.




Dear Meg:





Beyond that, I sort of felt jerked around by this episode. One minute I was all "YAY!" and the next I was going "Um, whut?" and then it was back to "YAY!" again. I feel like a yo-yo.

SHOW: And the boys are inexplicably teleported to an airplane!

ME: Um...okay.

SHOW: And then they're driving down a road.

ME: Wait, no time spent rhapsodizing on Dean's airplane angst? I know some people who are going to be disappointed.

SHOW: ...Dean has airplane angst?

ME: Sometimes I think we pay way more attention to you than you do to yourself.

SHOW: Whatever. Wincest fans are funny.

ME: I'd be inclined to agree even if my motto were not "Everything is funny." Still, I'm sorta glad I'm not able to participate in fandom much, at the moment. It's not nice to incite wank on purpose, you know.

SHOW: Whatever. The boys have to look for something called the Michael Sword.

ME: Oh for the love of little green apples, give me a break.

SHOW: What?

ME: Please tell me you are not going to make this season into a giant milkrun quest for a macguffin. That would make me so sad.

SHOW: Whatever. Bobby is mean to Sam and never wants to talk to him again!

ME: *blink*!

SHOW: It's okay, he was possessed.

ME: Oh. Well that makes me feel better. Except for how it makes no sense that he'd get possessed in the first place.

SHOW: Whatever. Look, Meg!


SHOW: Also, John had the Michael Sword in his lockup.

ME: I'm still sad that you seem to be heading in a macguffin direction, but that makes perfect sense.

SHOW: Only the Michael Sword isn't a macguffin, it's...wait for it...DEAN!!

ME: Oh. Okay.

SHOW: Aren't you sorry you doubted me, now?

ME: *narrow look* Do you remember the shiny angel juice? Because I remember the shiny angel juice.

SHOW: Whatever. Oh, and Castiel's back!

ME: Wait, did he just...?

SHOW: What?

ME: He just as good as said that God saved him and the Winchesters! He did! So God is totally not as absent as Zach thought! That's awesome! That's what he was saying, right?

SHOW: Maybe.


SHOW: And Dean doesn't think the boys can ever go back to being the way they were again.


SHOW: The final shot of the episode is of the boys from a distance with lots of cold, empty space between them, and everything.

ME: *sings* There's pleeenty of time for lots of huuugging before the end of the seasoooon...

Yay, Season 5! I'm actually very optimistic about where this season is going to go, more so than I was at the end of last season. I have to be, because my doctor says I'm supposed to take tender, loving care of my blood pressure for the next month. Maybe I should let Kripke know about that so he can match episodes to air dates accordingly.

And now, off to snuggle a baby!


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