Tiny post of icon amnesty

Aug 11, 2009 14:21

I just realized that I had these still sitting on my hard drive, being of no use to anyone. Considering that I spent way more time and energy than I should have making them, that seemed like a waste. So if anyone has a good home for some free SPN icons that may or may not be a trifle ambitious in the conceptual department, have at:

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supernatural, icons

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Comments 12

feliciakw August 11 2009, 21:56:47 UTC
Okay, the "morning star" one is . . . kinda disturbing on the conceptual level. Not only is Dean trapped in Hell, but one could make an argument that in that particular pic, he's being crucified upside down. Not unlike a certain apostle of old. And then we come to find out that it is Dean who is responsible for stopping the Apocalypse . . . it's just . . . way too thinky . . .

(Icon chosen because it's the closest I have to a brain-hurt/thinky icon . . . )


kalquessa August 11 2009, 22:08:27 UTC
Heh, I admit I didn't think that hard about it at the time...I only got as far as Lucifer = Morning Star, so "Here I am / won't you send me an angel? / Here I am / In the land of the morning star" made me think of Dean.


patita_fea August 11 2009, 22:30:01 UTC
That third one is just beautiful.


kalquessa August 11 2009, 22:45:48 UTC
Thanks! You would not believe how long I had to sit and tweak it to get it sort of like what I had in mind. Still not entirely satisfied, but I am so done playing with it. *grin*


feliciakw August 11 2009, 23:22:25 UTC
You know, I would make a comment about being tired of playing with Dean . . .

But you and I are both married women, so it probably wouldn't be entirely appropriate.


kalquessa August 11 2009, 23:23:49 UTC
I would be shocked...but I know you. Heh.


shannonsequitur August 11 2009, 23:40:54 UTC
I'm not even entirely certain that the middle one is a lyric from "Dust in the Wind", but I've had it stuck in my head for the last couple of hours nonetheless.


kalquessa August 12 2009, 00:03:52 UTC
If it is a Kansas lyric, I didn't know about it. It was a phrase that stuck in my head that I couldn't find a source for anywhere, so I assumed, lacking evidence to the contrary, that I'd made it up. *shrug*


izhilzha August 12 2009, 01:04:02 UTC
Oh my goodness, that last one--*dies of awesome* If I had more icon spaces it would in there now.

(And that's Sam and Jess in the middle, right? There are not enough icons with Jess.)


feliciakw August 12 2009, 02:23:16 UTC
Actually, that looks like Sam and young!Mary to me . . .


kalquessa August 12 2009, 03:57:06 UTC
Actually that's baby Mary from "In the Beginning." I was trying to convey something about her and Sam both wanting to get out of the hunting life and be normal and safe...or something...I can't really remember exactly what i was going for, now. *laughs*


izhilzha August 12 2009, 06:46:03 UTC
Ah, well, that's even better. :) Mary looked for her white picket fence life with John; Sam with Jess; both failed utterly. *hugs them*


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