Tiny post of icon amnesty

Aug 11, 2009 14:21

I just realized that I had these still sitting on my hard drive, being of no use to anyone. Considering that I spent way more time and energy than I should have making them, that seemed like a waste. So if anyone has a good home for some free SPN icons that may or may not be a trifle ambitious in the conceptual department, have at:

The "morning star" and "road" ones were meant to be part of a set that I was going to make where each icon featured a lyric from one of the songs on my "Dean Winchester" playlist. (Incidentally, lyrics are from the Scorpions and Metallica, respectively.) That playlist set...is probably not going to happen, at this point. So I figured I should just give them their freedom now.

Anyway, the rules as usual: take, share, don't throw sand. Credit makes me happy but is not compulsory. Comments are my anti-drug.

supernatural, icons

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