Very late react-o-matic: SPN 4.22

May 19, 2009 09:47

Okay, so I saw the ep on Saturday, but I had kind of a rough weekend and Monday was evil, so I'm only just posting about it.

I think the most important question here is... )


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Comments 20

ayoub May 19 2009, 17:41:58 UTC
I guess I'd say that a hellmouth for SPN is a lot more serious than one for Buffy...


Cuz any of the baddies in SPN would kick Buffy's butt...


kalquessa May 19 2009, 19:56:01 UTC
Heh. It's true, it is.


feliciakw May 19 2009, 18:55:33 UTC
Okay, I'll go along with your explanation and analogy for Zach along the lines of taking matters into his own hands. It's just that the "left the building" line really, REALLY doesn't sit well with me. At. All.

But you can read about that in my own recap thingy.


kalquessa May 19 2009, 18:57:49 UTC
You're the one always telling us to consider the source! *grins* So I did. And decided that he smirked too much.


feliciakw May 19 2009, 19:05:18 UTC
*nods* Yes, consider the source. And at this point, the source is Kripke. I don't trust the source to do anything so cool as you're suggesting.

Wow. That was harsh and cynical.

Re: the too much smirking. Oh, I'm with you there. He's been nothing but one big smirk since he showed up. That, I think, is one of the reasons I never really liked him all that much--his smirking arrogance.


kalquessa May 19 2009, 19:58:23 UTC
Well, Kripke probably wouldn't come up with anything that cool, but his writing team might. And since Kripke flies the mytharc by the seat of his pants, the chances of him going with a good idea when it's pitched seem pretty good. Or am I just a hopeless optimist?


dotfic May 19 2009, 19:23:21 UTC
What I'm not assuming is that God really has left the building in the SPN 'verse.

Me neither. Zachariah's making a power bid but I don't think God's really gone.

No Impala, I know, WHUT? Hahaha, but I love how 4x21 terrified me and in 4x22 when the apocalypse starts, I'm all, yeah, whatevs, blah blah apocalypse, SAM AND DEAN ARE TOGETHER WHEEEE!


kalquessa May 19 2009, 20:00:47 UTC
I know, I love how attached I am to these characters, to the point where whenever a really plot-driven arc happens, I really only care about the plot inasmuch as I care about how it affects them. Apparently, the world can end, and I'll be fine as long as the boys are okay and together. *laughs*

Why no Impala? WHY??


dirigibletrance May 19 2009, 19:51:30 UTC
What I don't understand is why Zachariah seems so confident that they'll win the Apocalypse. Didn't he say something about how they've got their own star player who'll stop Lucifer? But... who? Michael? Gabriel? The show has been equating Jesus with God the Father for most of the last season, so I'm presuming that the Son is not the ace in the hole they're referring to.


kalquessa May 19 2009, 20:01:54 UTC
I think Zach was talking about Dean. I think. I don't know, that talking part got really long and i was kind of like "Blah, blah, blah GET TO THE PART WHERE THERE IS ASSKICKING, NAO!!"


feliciakw May 19 2009, 20:30:53 UTC
Yes, he was talking about Dean (complete with visual reference to the painting of Michael defeating Lucifer). If they have a different ringer, they made no notable mention of him/her.

Unless it's Bobby.


kalquessa May 19 2009, 20:32:43 UTC
Unless it's Bobby.


Except it could totally be the Impala. If she were a Transformer. Which she secretly is. *nodnod*


alphabet26 May 19 2009, 23:20:56 UTC
I was hoping you had glee! Yay for reaction posts that make me smile!


kalquessa May 19 2009, 23:34:24 UTC
Heh. I can even find things to glee about in All Kripke All the Time episodes! My Glee Powers, they are strong.

Seriously, though: the boys stood shoulder-to-shoulder and stared down at Hell! And BOBBY DIDN'T DIE!! Anything else can totally be dealt with in due time.


alphabet26 May 19 2009, 23:39:14 UTC
Oh, man. Yeah, the Bobby thing. He didn't die! That is so awesome. I was terrified that he was going to. I kept thinking of...other shows Jim Beaver's been in where he died. And then, specifically, I was so scared during that scene where Bobby had the gun on Sam, that Sam was going to kill him. I wasn't sure if I would be ever be able to watch SPN again if that had happened. But it didn't. And Bobby is alive. Yay!


kalquessa May 19 2009, 23:54:59 UTC
And then, specifically, I was so scared during that scene where Bobby had the gun on Sam, that Sam was going to kill him.

Oh MAN, me too!! That would have broken me. Just Sam and Bobby's faces during that scene came pretty close, actually.


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