Very late react-o-matic: SPN 4.22

May 19, 2009 09:47

Okay, so I saw the ep on Saturday, but I had kind of a rough weekend and Monday was evil, so I'm only just posting about it.

I think the most important question here is: since Ruby's dead now, can I have her car?

Also, Bobby is awesome. (AND ALIVE!!!)

I sort of take issue with John being called a coward, or would do so if it weren't Bobby saying it. I don't think cowardice was one of John's flaws, but I can easily imagine Bobby seeing it that way. Plus, this is the man who ran John off his porch with a shotgun, and his pep talk was made of win, so he gets a free pass to say what he likes, pretty much.

I wish to draw sparkly hearts around Dean and his impatient anger at being angel-lifted to the green room. Also the holodeck reference and the fact that he has a thing for Ginger. And especially for shoving the angel figurine off the table and then looking kind of like a kid who just got busted when Cas shows up. *hearts*

So, I'm kind of sad that I can't really like Zachariah anymore, because I thought he was rather awesome at the end of "It's a Terrible Life." But oh well. The idea of angels plotting to let the apocalypse happen because it'll be fun and they think God's not watching is pretty interesting, though

And yes, I'm assuming that Zach's "God has left the building" is Zach being misinformed/stupid. Angels seem to stand in for Christians a lot in this show, and there's precedent for people like Saul and Abraham basically going "Well, God doesn't seem to be handling this, let's get this show on the road ourselves," when really it's just that God is running things on his own timetable, thank you. So that would be interesting and cool. Or I guess Zach could be lying, which would be less interesting and cool but still doable.

What I'm not assuming is that God really has left the building in the SPN 'verse. Because that may be where Kripke's going with this, but I'm going to pretend it's not for as long as I can, because that would be annoying. La la la, Kripke, I can't hear you!

Also, Kripke:

Did you just write and direct a season finale and completely fail to have the Impala make even a token appearance? Please apply to kroki_refur for a Fabulous Drunk!Sam Seal of Disapproval.

*sings* I love Castiel, he is awesome and conflicteeeed.

I have great love for Dean's voicemail to Sam. I hope that's still floating around somewhere and that Sam actually gets to hear it. Because I think Sam really deserves and needs to hear it, poor puppy. Fie on Ruby for replacing it with an angry mash-up.

So, Ruby. I'm kind of glad she's dead, just so that we don't have to always be wondering what the heck is going on with her. I think I would have liked it better if she had really had some kind of Kingmaker thing going on with Sam, but I guess turning out to be a hardcore Lucifer Groupie isn't bad, either.

CHUCK! Chuck, I love you! Even though your are a ginormous skeez!! *glomps*

So...what's with the archangel? How do Cas and Dean constitute a threat to Chuck? Am I missing something? It makes no sense. Much love for the moment with Chuck and Castiel, silhouetted against the archangel light, with the hand on the shoulder. *more sparkly hearts*

Aaaand Lilith was the final seal. Which is something everyone in fandom already guessed.

To quote feliciakw: Oh. A Hellmouth. How quaint.

(What's sad is that neither of us are even Buffy fans. But seriously, it says something about us--or the show, or both--that the dawn of the End Times and the opening of the gates of Hell is less compelling a cliffhanger than, say, "Oh no, they killed the car! And possibly some of the Winchesters!")

So...I guess I'm more or less okay with most of the actual information in the ep. Aside from a few shiny moments and the fact that the boys were finally back at each other's sides in the last minutes, I was sort of "meh" about the ep itself. We've definitely had better season finales (like, all of them up to this point) but it could have been Heaven and Hell worse, so. Anyway, I'll forget all about this episode at the first sign of a good Monster of the Week plot this fall, so no use dwelling. I am sort of afraid to see what they decide to do with all of this mytharc next season, but since I have a nice, long summer of reading hiatus coping fic between now and then, I'm not going to worry about it too hard.


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